Locomotives | nl

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Locomotives was a norwegian rockband established in 1991. The band was started by the guitarists Kåre Vestrheim and Georg Buljo and their first EP-release came in 1994. Their first hit was the song Mind, which later on came on the album Spin from 1997. Because of their debut-album Spin, they were awarded the Spellemannsprisen the same year, in the category "Newcomer of the year". The album Albert came out in 1999, and was soon set on a tour trough the US.
In 2000 the album Whats Your Good Luck was supposed to be released in the US, but it was cancelled, and after giving out "Hallelujah EP: The RIchmond Session" in 2001, the band was split.

Kåre Christoffer Vestrheim - Guitar & Keyboard
Hans Jørgen Støp - Vocals & Guitar
Georg Buljo - Guitar
Thomas Tofte - Bass
Per Duckhow - Bass
Jørn Ellingsen - Drums
Totto hansen - Drums .

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