Donut | nl

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Donut were were an iconic pop rock group from Glasgow, Scotland

The band came together in 1997 and consisted of Richard McConnachie (guitar, lead singer), Laura Murray (keyboards, backing vocals), Liam McAteer (drums) and Paul McDermott (bass, backing vocals) who later formed The Poppadoms.

They made original, energetic, and fun music, and achieved much in their short time together including a TV appearance (on late night programme “Young, Gifted and Broke”), admirable support slots (including Clinic, one of Richard’s favourite bands), and a radio session on BBC Radio Scotland’s Sunday night “Beat Patrol”.

Unfortunately the radio appearance was one of the last things the band were to do together: at approximately 12:00pm, on Wednesday August 9th 2000, Richard died suddenly from a condition known as cardiomyopathy; a tragic end to such a promising young life.

Being that Richard was the central creative influence, this signaled the end of the greatest band the world never got to see. .