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More artists/bands are/were using this name:

1- Cassandra is a Spanish singer produced by the Hit Sound Production team (Francisco Galera & Ruben Herrera) in Barcelona. Her hits are "Rien Ne Va Plus", "Just Tell Me Why" or "Doobe Doo (Don't Be Shy)".

2- Cassandra De Rosa. A young Italian singer. She was born on Aug 18th 1986 in Florence (Italy) to an Italian father and American mother.
In 2002 she began to take her natural talent seriously and competed around Tuscany in different competitions and talent shows for local TV.
Her first big win at 16 yrs old being on “Debutto” local talent show, she placed 1st as best new talent of the year.
Cassandra spent all her free time competing in various singing venues and performing at clubs and local events. In 2003 she went on to win the prestigious contest “A Voice for Sanremo”.
In 2005 and 2006 she auditioned for “Amici di Maria De Filippi” (aired on national T.V. channel 5) an Italian version of American Idol with a reality twist comparable to “Fame” where contestants are chosen to enter the program and face challenges in order to hold their position within the “school”.
Even though both years she made it to the first episode of the program, she is not chosen to enter. Not giving up she decides to try again in 2007 and is chosen to become part of the program.
At the time of her elimination she is 4th placed, her popularity sky rockets as soon as she is out of the “school” She immediately is invited to perform at BLUE NOTE, an important International music club in Milan Italy where she performs live with her mentor and teacher from “Amici di Maria De Filippi”, Luca Jurman.
She is also granted a scholarship at the Luca Jurman Music School. This is just the beginning of her popularity.
She has had enormous success singing international cover songs as well as with her first single “Famelica” contained in the CD “Ti Brucia” produced by Amici di Maria De Filippi.
On May 5th 2009 Cassandra came out with her first solo CD titled “Gocce in Mare Aperto” which contains 6 original songs produced by the label “Azzura Music”.
The CD debuts at 34th place Itunes Italy and 49th FIMI Federation of the Italian Music Industry polls.
“Gocce in Mare Aperto” within a few weeks has sold approx 15,000 copies with a notable following of young fans as well appealing to an older crowd.

3- Hardcore band from Malaysia . It all started in the middle of 2002 . The journey begins with collaboration of 6 individual from Groundless Victim, Missing Rites, Foreground Division and Killed By Accident. Since many of the band mention has already call it’s quit, the 6 infinite wisdom continues their desire and intentions to produce quality music which is a mixture of rock and roll,metal and hardcore/punk. The band consist of six different individual from different place. Cassandra was the name given which reflects their passion, emotion, commitment and desire one hundred percent. Each individual in this band comes from a different background and with different personalities but with one vision and intention they manage to work together to succeed and be in the hardcore community. Each person is a musician on their own. Although there are hardship and difficulties in their path, Cassandra manage to overcome it with the most honest, sincere, respect, comfort and friendship.

4- Black Metal band from Italy

5- Thrash metal band from Japan. Formed in Ageo City. They released a demo tape in the same year, plus a split 7" vinyl in 1995 named "Thrash Sanctuary", together with Sabazz, Voidd and Cemment. For this specific band, please change your tags to Caϟϟandra.

6- Group Band from Indonesia. Cassandra dalam mitologi Yunani adalah sosok dewi yang sangat cantik, pendiam namun sangat di segani karena memiliki kemampuan yang luar biasa untuk melihat masa depan dan memiliki seorang ayah dewa perang bernama Troy. Karakter yang hampir sama di miliki oleh Anna (vocal), Inos (gitar), dan Choki (bass) sehingga mereka pun memilih nama Cassandra sebagai identitas band mereka.
Dalam berkarya Anna, Inos dan Choki adalah sosok – sosok yang tidak terlalu banyak bicara namun hasil karya yang mereka hasilkan sangat luar biasa sehingga memiliki potensi untuk menjadikan mereka sabagai band baru yang di segani suatu saat nanti di blantika musik Indonesia.

Cassandra terbentuk di Jakarta pada tahun 2009 dengan nama Aglo. Mengasah kemampuan dengan tampil di barbagai café – café terkemuka di Indonesia sebelum kemudian berubah nama menjadiCassandra pada tahun 2010 seiring dengan perubahan visi dari para personilnya untuk merubah haluan dari band cafe menjadi band rekaman dengan bergabung bersama dengan label E-Motion Entertainment.
Karya pertama yang di suguhkan oleh Cassandradi blantika musik Indonesia berjudul Tetap Menjadi Milikmu (TMM), Sebuah lagu pop balada dengan beat dan tempo yang medium dengan notasi sederhana di balut oleh vokal Anna yang lembut sehingga terasa sangat nikmat dan ramah di telinga, membuat siapapun yang mendengar untuk pertama kalinya dapat turut bersenandung untuk menyanyikan lagu ini.

Tetap Menjadi Milikmu (TMM) diciptakan oleh Choki (bass) pada tahun 2007, beberapa tahun sebelum Cassandra terbentuk. Berkisah tentang cinta jarak jauh yang tetap dapat bejalan dengan baik berbekal kesetiaan yang sangat dalam karena sang pecinta telah menyerahkan hati untuk orang yang di cintainya

7 - Japanese raw hardcore/punk band from Utsunomiya. They released two-track demo tape in 1993. Ex-Manbiki Chocolate. .

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