Guignol | ms

1. Guignol is a Brooklyn-based quartet that performs original tunes in the balkan/klezmer/folk tradition. The group consists of Franz Nicolay on accordion, Peter Hess on clarinet, John Bollinger on drums, and George Rush on tuba. They have two releases: a full length self-titled CD and a split EP (entitled Drink the Best Wine First) with the band Nanuchka. 2. Guignol was a one-off project comprised of members of Volcano the Bear (Laurence Coleman, Aaron Moore, Nick Mott on 2 tracks) and Jeremy Barnes (Neutral Milk Hotel, Bablicon, A Hawk and a Hacksaw). Their sole release, "Angela, David, and the Great...
Le Grand Guignol is the new name of the Luxembourgian symphonic black metal band Vindsval, bringing a more avant-garde sound into the music. After a decade of artistic thriving, coherence and innovation leave the halls of Vindsval to have it relocated to a theater bearing the name of LE GRAND GUIGNOL - after the 19th / 20th century Parisian theater. The theater specialized in naturalistic horror shows. To those unfamiliar with Vindsval's history, please have a cosy seat in the front row and read about the past acts of the band: 1996 In winter, VINDSVAL comes fourth in the south...