Drudkh | ms

Drudkh (meaning "wood" in Sanskrit) is an atmospheric black metal band from Kharkiv, Ukraine formed in 2002. Drudkh was founded by Roman Saenko, the leading member of Hate Forest; Thurios, the leading member of Astrofaes; and Yuriy Sinitsky, of Lucifugum and Definition Sane. Their strongly folk-influenced music focuses on a dense atmosphere with a lot of feeling, and the lyrical contents embrace Slavic mythology, seasons and poetry. Many of the band's lyrics are derived from the works of nineteenth and twentieth century Ukrainian poets, especially Taras Shevchenko. "During all its history, the band followed a 'no photos, no interviews, no...
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Осінь В Сепії
Tears Of Gods
Summoning The Rain
Кров (Blood)
False Dawn
03.Glare Of Autumn
Лебединий Шлях [2005]
Autumn Aurora
Борозни Богів (Furrows Of Gods)
Eternal Sun
Нічний (The Nocturnal One)
Листопад (November)
Вічність (Eternity)
Прийде день (The Day Will Come)
2003 - Forgotten Legends (Full Album)
2004 - Autumn Aurora (Full Album)
Прокляті Сини II
Заграва 1768-го
Далекий Крик Журавлів
Eternal Turn of the Wheel
Ніч Крокує До Свого Трону
Forgotten Legends [2003]
Кров У Наших Криницях [2006]
Небо у наших нiг (Skies at Our Feet)
Вічне Коло (Eternal Circle)
Autumn Aurora [2004]
Towards The Light
2010 - Пригорща зірок [Full Album]
Glare Of Autumn
Вічне Сонце (Eternal Sun)
Небо у наших ніг (Skies at Our Feet)
Далёкий крик журавлів
False Dawn
Зраджені сонцем / Hägringar 2016
Безчестя II [Dishonour II]
Wind Of The Night Forests
Days That Passed
Там, де закінчуються обрії
Небо У Наших Ніг
Сльози Богів