Isola | ms

There is more than one band named Isola. 1/ Isola is also a Pop-Rock band from Huy, Belgium. "Gravity" was ISOLA's first single, back in 2009. It opened the doors of national and international radio stations, getting massive airplay, while the video was being played on a series of French TV channels (MTV, Virgin 17, M6 Music,...). In 2010 and 2011 six other singles from the debut album mixed by Chris Sheldon (Foo Fighters, Skunk Anansie, Therapy, Feeder, My Vitriol,..) also reached the airwaves, enabling Isola to share its catchy pop tunes with the masses. Performing an increasing number of...
There are at least (9) artists that share this name: 1) German Black/Doom Metal band, formed in the year 2004 by Johannes, Albert and Karl in Lübeck. While they started out playing a style deeply rooted in Depressive Black Metal, later on the music evolved toward a calmer, more solemn direction. In 2007 Karl left the band after the first concerts that summer. In the meantime Johannes took over the bass himself, until in the autumn 2008 Andre joined in. 2) Italian Black Metal Band, born during september 2003 by the will of xorad-b on guitar and Zulfur on...
Schisolation is a musical project created in May 2006. The sole founder and creator of Schisolation works under the pseudonym Senon Scheuermann. The project revolves around a number of musical genres such as industrial, rock, alternative, darkwave and triphop. The concept of Schisolation relates to the experience of mental illness, presented metaphorically as a clash of two hostile organisms whose debilitating mental desire for symbiosis is presented with references to religion, sexuality, and social relations. .
Southern Isolation was a Southern rock group from Louisiana, USA, formed in 1995 by Phil Anselmo and then wife Stephanie Opal Weinstein. The band released one self-titled EP before disbanding following the pair's divorce. An additional unreleased track 'Faded' has been credited to Southern Isolation on the Manson Family Soundtrack which is due to be released on Philip's Housecore label. .
Dijumpai 160 lagu, jangka masa: 19:41:47
L'Isola che non c'e'
L'isola che non c'è
L'Isola Delle Rose
Waiting for You
L'isola che non c'è
Affirming The Consequent
Isola Bella'14
Look of Shame
Gonna Break
Another Day
Call Your Name
L'isola di Wight
Love Gone By
Giapone Isola
Isola dei Soffi
Isola Delle Femmine
II. Isola Prima