Briton+Rites | ms

Ancient Rites is a Belgian black metal (old) / folk metal (recent) band formed in 1988. Initially, the line- up consisted of guitar players Johan and Phillip, drummer Stefan, and Gunther Theys on bass and vocals. In 1990 the Dark Ritual demo was released in the underground scene, getting worldwide attention just as black metal was gaining importance in the metal scene. Soon after the release of this demo Phillip died in a car crash and not long after, Stefan committed suicide. However painful this episode was to the band, they decided to continue and Stefan's position was taken by...
Punk as fuck from PA/NYC. Debut LP "What Do You Know About The World, Being Such A Coward?" NOW! via Kat-Kat Records. Order the record here! - Stream the first single! - Stream the whole record! - .
Sprites was formed in Washington DC in 2002 by Jason Korzen (along with his wife, Amy Korzen) following the breakup of Barcelona. Korzen's frustration with the difficulties of being in a band led to the dissolution of Barcelona, and as a result, Sprites has an ever-changing line-up. Participants include Christian Scanniello, Ivan Ramiscal, Kevin Alvir, Armin Pruessner, Derek Strausbaugh, and Reid Dossinger, with only Jason and Amy remaining as constant members. The band released Starling, Spiders, Tiger and Sprites in 2003 on March Records, the EP Bionic Hands in 2004 through the Spanish label Lejos Discsos and their second album...
1) Immortal Rites are an Indonesian Black Metal band form east java (kediri), their official Immortal Rites stood on 1998 in Kediri East Java. With the first personal Arifin as vocalist , Anddie as lead guitarist ,Dwe Farmosath as bassist , A’ar as drummer .they tried to mix Death Metal and Black Metal music. Actually, this personal not survive for a long time in early 2001 . At the same year Immortal Rites recruited Dony Petek ( Iconoclasm ) . 5 years in Immortal Rites Arifin got out. Until now their soldiers are: Anddie ( lead guitarist ), Dony...