Scaremonger | ms

1). SCAREMONNGER Thrash/punk band from Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia Biography SCAREMONGER band formed by Fikka in April 2011, with Reza on the position of the guitar, his brother Fikka named Ian in the bass position, and Tiffany on vocals, fikka himself in the early SCAREMONGER fill the drum, but the drum development position will be filled by the young drummer from one of the pioneers of Grindcore band sukabumi, his name is Egi of Fatality, and Fikka himself filling the parts that are still vacant in both vocal session with Tiffany. SCAREMONGER Reza: guitar Tiffany: vocal Fikka: vocal Egi: drum...
The Scaremongers are the Sound of Mature Huddersfield, the band of choice for all grown-up pop fans, the poster boys for pre-Sage Alternative Rock! The Scaremongers are simon Armitage and Craig Smith, friends from the vinyl era, brought up on mix tapes and the NME, when late night radio and independent record shops were the only places to find out what the future sounded like. The Scaremongers' first album, Born In A Barn, was released in 2009 on Corporation Pop. more : .