La Ciudad Bajo la Niebla | ms

Ciudad is a Filipino rock band, started in 1994 when 13-to-14-year-old sophomore high school classmates Mikey, Jeff, Justin and Mitch grouped together to make a song for their Social Studies homework. Having lots of songs written after that project, the group decided to continue the band and went on to infiltrate the underground rock scene in Manila with their happy bubblegum rock with seemingly nonsensical lyrics. Ciudad got their break in 2000 when they released their first album Hello! How are you, Mico the Happy Bear? under Sony BMG Music Entertainment which spawned the singles "Sipilyo," "Radio Guy," and "With...
El Robot Bajo el Agua is a band from Buenos Aires, Argentina, formed by Nicolás Kramer and Lucarda (both from Jaime sin tierra) in 2003. Their albums tend to have a robotic base with small variations, delicate guitars, sometimes bells, sometimes it seems they're using a glass as percussion, noises (eletronic and organic)... everything floating around Nicolás' voice that sings (and/or) whispers about modern issues and feelings of everyday life. Discography Destrabando la Palanca. 2004 La Óptica Espacial Desde el Corazón. 2004 Sólo Resta Sumar. 2006 ¡Lo Nuevo de Ataque! 2007 A dolores que percibio la grandeza. 2010 official website:...
Bajoqueta Rock es van formar l'any 1988 a Riba-Roja de Túria (País Valencià). Es van ajuntar una quadrilla d'amics que tenien moltes ganes de penjar-se les guitarres i començar a tocar, rascar tot allò que tenien a mà. Des del primer moment, les cançons han volgut reflectir la seva manera de viure, el seu entorn -un poble de Camp del Túria-, i ser un reflex fidel de com viu la gent del seu voltant -les taronges, el camp, llaurar la terra.-, del que fan els seus avis o dels problemes amb la contaminació. El primer disc es va enregistrar el...