TriORE | ms

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TriORE is a collaboration between Triarii and Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio. This fairytale started in 2006 with the release of Triarii’s “Pièce Héroique”. A sinister seed was planted in the fertile soil of Northern Europe as Christian Erdmann (Triarii) and Tomas Pettersson (Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio) gave birth to the song "Roses 4 Rome".

In 2009, finally, the progeny has been conceived and fully developed; and what they call TriORE was born. Both participants go beyond themselves and step out of normal character, but TriORE is nonetheless the embodiment of all that which is Triarii, and all that which is Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio; like a succulent apple in two opposite pieces just waiting to be devoured. The bombastic touch of Triarii is still there; the string sections, the choirs, the martial drums and much more; alongside the eloquence of Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio, musically, melodically, as well as lyrically.

This is what all lovers of both bands have been waiting for, a complete forty minutes of Art Deco industrial pop. This work begins where "Roses 4 Rome" left off and takes us all the way from the rising of victory through the trenches until Europa falls. .

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