Tiny Ghosts | ms

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(1993 – present)

Formed in 1993 by four guys from Saxony, Germany, the Tiny Ghost came together with the common desire to capture the good old days when R.E.M. was still a rock band, Guided By Voices was popular and Hüsker Dü hadn’t yet broken up. Originally named Jumpin Jacks (and later Smart Moves), the band progressed through a series of line-up and name changes until finally settling on the Tiny Ghosts in 2001. A period of dormancy caused them to miss out on the big business for guitar-driven EMOtional punk rock in the beginning of the new millennium, but in 2009 they joined forces with an unemployed drummer from a local hardcore band, thereby regaining their mojo. They began to record again and increased their touring both domestically and internationally. For almost two decades they have continued to soldier on, loving nothing better than playing shitty basements, rocking out and bearing their hearts in front of YOU.

Tiny Ghosts take the best parts of your favorite guitar rock songs and create a unique sound that some would call post-punk. They sound like a warm welcome from an old friend who you might not have seen for a while but are still best buds with.

Bibi – Vocal / Guitar
Jörg – Guitar
Münze – Bass
Rico – Drums .