Snowy | ms

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UK based Electronica composer, mostly dancey stuff but occasionally crosses over to the darkside and dabbles in experimental noise.

Snowy has been making noise with his synths since the mid 80s.

Snowy studied Electronics and Electronic Music at the University of Hertfordshire.

He then worked for Solid State Logic for a number of years in various engineering roles.

Snowy's love of music emerged in his teenage years when he first started to DJ at his local youth club. He has DJ'd on and off since then. Snowy hasn't played live for a number of years now. Snowy says "DJing is not a job for a family man". He still likes to play private parties and put the odd mix out.

His current projects include writing and producing the album "Angels", producing and presenting the Electronicast podcast and trying to get finished.

The album Lilywhite you also see in Snowy's album listing is nothing to do with this Snowy. It there due to a problem with the software.

The track "A Life on the Tiles", from the Doing it for the kids '08 compilation, is also nothing to do with this Snowy (or the Snowy associated with the album Lilywhite mentioned above). .

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