Rudy Adrian | ms

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With musical influences ranging from the floating spacemusic of the Berlin School to the breathing thought tones of the American soundscape scene, Rudy Adrian's music is comprised of introspective layered washes of gently drifting sound accented by focused synth patterns and melodies. His albums The Healing Lake, Iridescence, Kinetic Flow and Twilight all show remarkable versatility, have all received international critical acclaim and are realizations influenced through Rudy's love of the natural world. A successful planetarium soundtrack composer as well as studio sound engineer in his homeland of New Zealand, Rudy Adrian discovered electronic music while studying forestry science and botany at university in the '90's. The common thread to his music is the exploration of the sonic landscape, where melody and rhythm play a lesser role to the tones and textures created by synthesizers, wood flutes and the human voice. Always experimental and original, they are also peaceful and listenable - similar to the idea of a film soundtrack without pictures.
Rudy Adrian made his stateside concert debut on 21 September 2002 at The Gatherings Concert Series - Philadelphia's premiere concert series of innovative music. Following the concert, Rudy gave a live in-studio radio concert on the 09.22.02 broadcast of STAR'S END. An excerpt of his in-studio performance appears on the STAR'S END 30th Anniversary Anthology CD


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