Makaton Chat | ms

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Makaton Chat were a four-piece band from Stockton, UK, who released one single (Federal State Chance, 1982) and one album (Strange Beach, 1983) on Trans Records. Band members were:

Anthony Lindo: lead vocal, keyboards
John Hodgson: keyboards, vocal
Paul Fowler: drums
Richard Holmes: bass
On Strange Beach they were joined by:

Sally Jones: saxophones
Roy Neave: guitars
Steve Graham: guitars

The group broke up in 1986

A history of the band (by keyboard player John Hodgson) has been started and can be accessed here:

The band formed in 1980, and went through many line up changes in addition to the line-up mentioned above. They also released two cassette-only albums, "Chant!" (1984) and "Answer The Dancer" (1985) .

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