gertski pick | ja

The Music Man - Gertski. I get sweet shouts & notes quite frequently from people about how much enjoyment they've received from visiting my library. Well..I can't take full credit and praise. When I first got in this site, I had a small hodgepodge of favorite artists. My tiny(at the time)band of friend's were sharing wonderful new songs...and still are. And I thank you all! But then, Brian(gertski) showed up, requesting friendship along with this message:"Great library here I would be honered to share with you!!!" The honor has ended up being all mine. Many of you have had the same fortune of being befriended by Brian, so you know what I speak of. For you newcomers, by "sharing libraries..." he has probably built 95% of mine, :-D, introducing me to WONDERFUL new finds and helping me to re-discover long, lost favorites. This is just a sampling of those beloved favorites, new found loves, and some songs that remind me of a dear friend with a huge, gorgeous, generous heart. Gertski: The Music Man.
Written by: boscopud (jamie)
Edited by: gertski (brian) .

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