brocore | ja

Brocore is generally music for chill bros to listen to. Brocore originated in the United Soviet Systems of Russia (USSR) in the late 1930s to early 1940s. It was originally referred to as Volstagg music. The proletariats and also Soviet elites enjoyed this music, and it seemed to bring everyone in Russia together. The sense of brotherhood that the music created caused it to be called brocore. After Joseph Stalin died (he made brocore the official music of the USSR), brocore's popularity seemed to decline. However, brocore received interest again once Minor Theat, a popular hardcore punk band in the 70s-80s, satrted to make music. See, this band was made up of chill bros and they went to send their chill vibes through to the American working class. They pretty much succeeded, and now everyone is considered a bro. This was the entire intent of brocore originallly: to make a bro out of everyone, no matter their social class. Good times! Modern examples of brocore artists are Animal Colletive and Panda Bear, and most chillwave, dubstep, lo-fi, dream pop, shoegaze, and other obscure indie bands. However some pop bands, like A Day to Remember, Four Year Strong, and even Lady Gaga are considered brocore. Bands like Emmure and The Acacia Strain are actually NOT brocore bands, contrary to semi-popular belief. They are more of a metalcore/genericore band. Thats about it, broski. .

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