Randy Bush | ja

1. Bushi is a London based Trance and Progressive dance artist. Writing commercially for only a few years now, Bushi (Otherwise known as Matt...) has written and remixed for multiple record labels including work under his second guise of Elecotrolizard. Bushi was launched on to the dance scene by the "Audiojelly" Team in January 2007. Audiojelly was founded in May 2004. As one of the first digital only labels, they hit the ground running with a diverse roster of acts including some of the biggest names in UK dance music over the last decade. In 2010, Bushi signed a deal...
ブランディ・ラヤナ・ノーウッド(Brandy Rayana Norwood 、芸名:ブランディ、ブランディ・ノーウッド、Brandy Norwood、1979年2月11日 - )はアメリカ合衆国ミシシッピ州マッコム出身の女性シンガーソングライター、女優。 《略歴》 1990年代に一躍大スターとなり、1998年にMonica(モニカ)とのデュエットでBillboard Hot 100で13週連続1位、259万枚以上を売り上げる大ヒットとなった「The Boy Is Mine」でグラミー賞を受賞した。同年にバラードのシングル「Have You Ever?」でも全米1位を記録。 弟のレイ・J(Ray J、William Ray Norwood, Jr.)も歌手・テレビタレントとして活躍している。 私生活ではプロデューサーと短期間結婚し(法的な婚姻関係ではなかったことを後に公表)、2002年に長女を出産した。 2006年12月30日、死者1人を出す自動車事故を起こしてしまう。多額の損害賠償訴訟を起こされ、その後の活動が一時危ぶまれた。 アトランティック・レコードからエピック・レコードに移籍し、2008年に新アルバムを発売して活動を再開したものの、セールスの不振から1作のみで契約を解除。2012年に発売予定の新作を準備しているとされる。 《ディスコグラフィ》 [Studio albums] 1994年 Brandy 1998年 Never Say Never 2002年 Full Moon 2004年 Afrodisiac 2008年 Human 2012年 Two Eleven [Compilation albums] 2005年 The Best of Brandy [Extended plays] 1999年 U Don't Know Me [Singles] 1994年 I Wanna Be Down 1995年 Baby 1995年 Best Friend 1995年 Brokenhearted (featuring Wanya Morris of Boyz II Men) 1996年 Sittin' up in My Room 1997年 Missing You (with Tamia, Gladys Knight and Chaka Khan) 1998年 The Boy Is Mine (with Monica)...
MCs Babe-Face Kaos, Y-Tee, and Mister Man grew up in the West Indies (Y-Tee in Jamaica, Mister Man and Kaos in Trinidad), so reggae was a strong inspiration to their early years; hip-hop also figures in, however. All transplanted New Yorkers, they formed in 1992 when Mister Man saw Kaos perform. The two began collaborating, and after Mister Man suggested adding a reggae toaster, Y-Tee joined da Bush Babees. When their concert dates sparked major-label interest, the trio performed a few live office auditions and signed with Reprise, within three months of launching the band. Their debut, Ambushed (1994), featured...
Randy Edelman (born June 10, 1947) is a notable film and television score composer born in Paterson, New Jersey. Edelman has composed many memorable soundtracks of the last twenty years, including "Gettysburg", "Last of the Mohicans" and "Dragonheart". Edelman attended the Cincinnati Music Conservatory, before heading to New York where he played piano in Broadway pit orchestras. He produced several solo albums of songs (some of which were later recorded by The Carpenters ("I Can't Make Music"), Barry Manilow, Olivia Newton-John and others) before moving to Los Angeles. It was there where Edelman started to work in TV and film...
Joel A. Muñoz Martínez was born in Springfield, Massachusetts on March 3, 1982. Randy Acevedo Ortiz was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico. They had previous years of experience, singing reggaeton and being a part of many albums before becoming the duo of Jowell & Randy. Jowell had recorded his first song in 1996 entitled "Los Fugitivos", Randy recorded his first song in 1998, being a part of a CD produced by In The House magazine, alongside other various artists. Jowell & Randy first met in 2000 through a shared producer who introduced them. They later recorded their first single,...