Edward H Dafis | ja

House producer from New Jersey born in 1972. The sound of Todd Edwards is characterised by an hypnotic collage of short cut-up samples over swung US garage beats and lively disco flavoured bass-lines. He started his musical career around 1992-93. Influenced by Marc Kinchen, whose 'MK' remixes were very popular to feature vocal reconstructions ('Push The Feeling On' by Nightcrawlers, The, 'Can You Forgive Her' by the Pet Shop Boys among others). Credited as one of the godfathers of UK speed garage, Edwards is also a committed Christian and often mention 'Jesus' and 'God' as his primary sources of inspiration....
Edward Maya born Eduard Marian Ilie on June 29, 1986 is a Romanian DJ, performer and record producer of electronic dance music. Being raised in an environment that treasures the true artistic value of musicianship and revels in the mastering of instrumental skill, it was Edward's deep rooted love and passion for music that encouraged him to start his career as an international artist attending Bucharest's George Enescu Music High School. While continuing his studies at the Bucharest Conservatory, Edward Maya began writing songs, one of which became an entry in the 2006 Eurovision Song Contest, and collaborating with a...
Cliff Edwards (14 June 1895 - 17 July 1971), also known as "Ukulele Ike", was an American singer and musician who enjoyed considerable popularity in the 1920s and early 1930s, specializing in jazzy renditions of pop standards and novelty tunes. He also did voices for animated cartoons later in his career, and is fondly remembered as the voice of Jiminy Cricket in Walt Disney's Pinocchio (1940). He also voiced one of the crows in Walt Disney's Dumbo. Edwards was born Clifton A. Edwards in Hannibal, Missouri. He left school at age 14 and soon moved to St. Louis, Missouri, where...
80年代、日本のポシティブパンクムーブメントの中心的存在だったMADAME EDWARDA。 メンバーはリーダーのZin-Francois Angelique(Vo/ジン・フランソワ・アンジェリック) を中心に、Kevin(G) 、D'indy(B)、Scilly(D)、Lamia Sebastian(Effects)の5人編成。 1980年結成。強烈な個性を放ち、80年代日本のインディーズシーンで注目を集めた。 新宿LOFTで「バロック・サーカス」、目黒鹿鳴館で「ダンス・マカブル」といったシリーズギグを続け、新宿ツバキハウスではAlien Sex Fiendと競演。数々の音源をリリースした。 また、ZINがDJを務める日本初のゴシックパンク秘密クラブCLUB WALPURGIS(クラブ・ワルプルギス)との相乗効果もあり、80年代初頭、日本のPositive Punkシーンを切り拓いた後、1985年に第一期MADAME EDWARDA解散。 2009年1月にZEUS MACHINA(ゼウス・マシーナ)を中心とした第二期メンバーを迎えて再結成し、現在も精力的に活動中。 マダム・エドワルダは、天使をその名に秘めた両性具有として異彩を放つZINのヴィジュアル、主に怪奇と幻想をテーマにしたシュルレアリスティックで難解な歌詞世界、ニューウェーブやPositive Punkを経てさらに進化を続けるGOTHIC ROCKを奏でる音が特徴。 パントマイムを交えた演劇的/シアトリカルなステージングも独特な、妖艶かつハードでエッジーな進化系グラマラスポストパンクバンドである。 .
There are at least two artists with the name John Edwards: an American soul singer and an English double bassist. 1. Soul singer: John Edwards is the lead singer of the soul group Detroit Spinners. Before joining the Detroit Spinners fulltime in 1977, he recorded albums and singles under his own name 2. Bass player: After taking up the bass, around 1987, John Edwards co-formed The Pointy Birds who went on to win awards for their music for The Cholmondeleys and Featherstonehaughs dance troupes. The group appeared at festivals in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Moers, Leverkusen, Copenhagen. Around 1990, Edwards played his...