Dickie Goodman | ja

白人のビッグ・バンド活動に先鞭をつけたスウィングの王様 (1909~1986)  1909年イリノイ州生まれ。20年代、フレッチャー・ヘンダーソン楽団によってビッグ・バンドの歴史の幕が切って落とされる。そのヘンダーソンのアレンジをより軽妙にスウィングさせ、白人ならではのジャズに再編し人気を得たのがグッドマンだった。34年に苦渋の選択をし、ポール・ホワイトマン楽団からの入団要請を断り、自身のオーケストラを結成。ジーン・クルーバ(ds)やテディ・ウィルソン(p)ら花形ソリストが揃い、エディ・ソーターの編曲も功を奏し洗練された演奏を聴かせ、“キング・オブ・スウィング”の称号を与えられる。38年にカーネギー・ホールでコンサートを開いたことが注目され、“ジャズに市民権をもたらした歴史的ライブ”と評された。86年没。 Dr.NAKAJIMA著 .
Dickie "Be-Bop" Harrell was the original drummer for Gene Vincent's Blue Caps. His restrained brush playing and background screams on Vincent's first and most famous hit, "Be-Bop-A-Lula," gave that record -- one of the signature records of early rock 'n' roll -- much of its tension and feel. Like Vincent a native of Norfolk, Va., Harrell began playing with Vincent when he was only 15 years old. Vincent, then in the Navy, had badly injured his leg in a motorcycle accident, and was recuperating at a Navy hospital. Harrell stayed with the Blue Caps for a little more than a...
John Stephen Goodman (born June 20, 1952) is a Golden Globe- and Emmy-winning American actor. He is well known for his deep, booming voice and his intimidating size. John Goodman (Born 15th February, 1988) is also an acoustic singer-songwriter from Middlewich, UK .
Miles Goodman (1949-1996) was an American television and film composer born in Los Angeles, California. He studied theater at Antioch College, and was an English major. Eventually, he studied with private music teachers and decided to become involved in composing music for TV and motion pictures, as well as release albums. His filmography in which he composed music scores for include "Teen Wolf", "La Bamba", "Little Shop of Horrors", "The Muppet Christmas Carol", and "Sister Act 2". .
There are two artists named "Goodman". One is a New York-based musician who made the album "What We Want". .