Petar Grašo Nina Badrić | ja

アメリカの世俗音楽のすべてを表現した弾き語りの名手 1933~2003  33年ノースカロライナ州生まれ。コンサート・ピアニストを目指した本名ユーニス・ウェィマンは、人種差別や業界の矛盾と向き合う中で弾き語りによる大胆な独自スタイルを確立。ステージ用に名前も変え、ジャズともフォークともR&Bとも違うジャンルを越えて支持を得た。妥協を知らぬ性格から様々にジャンルをクロスオーバーし、政治的立ち位置や活動領域も変化させた。60年代後半からは黒人解放運動の旗頭となり、歌唱法に訴えかけるようなブロードウェイ・スタイルを取り入れ、過激なトピカル・ソングまで歌った。ニューポート・ジャズ祭におけるニーナのカーネギー・ホール・ライブは定例化し、最晩年まで毎年そのために多くのファンが駆けつけた。2003年没。 Dr.NAKAJIMA著 .
Natalie and Nicole Albino (born in New York City) are identical twin sisters who sing under the name "Nina Sky". They are half-Puerto Rican and half-Dominican. Their parents moved from Puerto Rico and were divorced when the girls were very young. The twins' mother remarried with a DJ, who also happened to be Puerto Rican. They grew up in the Queens and Roosevelt Island sections of New York. Since their stepfather worked as a DJ, the twins were influenced by different types of music. When the sisters were only 7 years old, they wrote their first song, "Sisters", and by...
1.)Anina is a German singer-songwriter. Besides being a professional dancer the Berlin resident has been making music ever since she was a child. In 2006 she started writing her own songs at first solely on the piano, later using a wide range of instruments. Anina released two EPs, Already Gone (2010) and Thing Called Paradise (2009) and the full length records Turbulence (2010) and It Is What It Is (2012). Being influenced by artists like Björk or Tori Amos, her very own style derives from many different genres. All of her music is written, recorded and produced by herself.
As Meninas foi uma banda feminina baiana de axé pop e swingueira formada em 1997, sendo conhecidas também como As Meninas da Bahia. Originalmente o grupo teve como integrantes originais Carla Cristina nos vocais, Angélica e Cibele como backing vocals e dançarinas, Fernanda Barbosa na guitarra elétrica, Jujuba no saxofone e Ratinha, Titi e Dilmara como percussionistas, manuseando diversos instrumentos como tambor, bongô, ganzá e chocalho. Em 2002 com a saída de Carla Cristina, os vocais passaram para Flaviana Fernandes que deixou o grupo em 2007 junto com a maioria das integrantes. Em 2007 as integrantes originais Ratinha e Titi...
見つかりました 4 曲, デュレーション: 18:43