LaCroix | ja

フランス語で「天体の十字架」を意味する "La croix des sphéres" を変化させたもの。 オペラティックな男女ツインボーカルをはじめ、ギター、ヴァイオリン、オーボエ、フルートなどのメンバーがそれぞれの役を演じるロックオペラを創作しております。 音楽性はメタルを基調としたバンドサウンドとクラシックの要素を取り入れたオーケストラサウンドが融合した、シンフォニックメタル・ゴシックメタルを軸に、物語に合わせて様々な音楽を取り入れております。 対となる要素が十字架となって天空を駆けめぐることが出来るように、との願いが込められている。 †Cast† Vocal:翔 [Sho] Soprano:紗夜 [Saya] Guitar:Pegeot Flute:水貴 [Mizuki] Oboe:智美 [Satomi] Official Site English: 日本語: オフィシャルMySpace Official MySpace .
Minuit De Lacroix has been active since 1994 in the exploration of sound. Recently one of his field recordings was transmitted on FM through radio receptors distributed in the Center of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona (CCCB) as part of Zeppelin: the 8th Festival of Sonic Projects About Control. Addicted to recording and to travelling, between his various projects, he has submitted pieces for many compilations ranging in styles and has worked on remixes for other musicians such as AntiQuark, Ford Proco, Murcof, Mexican Jumping Frijoles, among many more. Even though he is better known as one of the founding members...
Marcelo Delacroix cursou o Bacharelado em música, com ênfase em violão, pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Estudou na Escola de Música da Ospa e atualmente conclui o curso de Licenciatura em Música na UFRGS. Músico, compositor, cantor e arranjador, Marcelo tem dois discos independentes gravados: Marcelo Delacroix (2000) e Depois do Raio (2006). Ambos os álbuns foram vencedores do Prêmio Açoriano, uma das premiações mais importantes na área cultural no Estado. O primeiro disco ganhou o prêmio da categoria de Melhor Disco de MPB. O segundo, Depois do Raio, foi vencedor de Melhor Disco de MPB e...
見つかりました 105 曲, デュレーション: 12:08:55
Devil's Son
Shake Me
One On One
La verite fermee
Ouverture de la Soiree
Dark Lacroix
Le Sortilege
Wahnsinn (Techno Podcast)
Hay Pipiiiiii
the lacroix dream slowed
Between Me & Myself (Modum Remix)
Back To You (Fabio XB & Yves De Lacroix Remix)
Emptiness (Stonebreaker Remix)
Insignificant (Techno Podcast)
Remy LaCroix - Viski (RolleR CUT Full work)
Metamorphosis (Teho remix)
Broken Flowers (Original Mix-TVimp Edit)