Broken Fabiola | ja

There are at least two groups titled Unbroken. 1. Unbroken was a metalcore band from San Diego, California. They were influential in the Southern California hardcore scene during the mid-to-late 1990s. The band chose the name Unbroken because they wanted to emphasize their dedication to the straight edge philosophy of drug abstinence. However, most of the members have since given up this belief. The band's members were also in the groups Struggle, Swing Kids , Kill Holiday, Julia, Some Girls, Smooth Man Automatic, Johnny Angel, Stabbed By Words, and Over My Dead Body before, during, and after Unbroken's existence. Guitarist...
There are at least three artists with this name: 1) In the early Seventies with the British Blues scene a little stale, Stan Webb took time out from his band Chicken Shack to form a brilliant band entitled Broken Glass featuring such great players as Miller Anderson, Robbie Blunt, Mac Poole and Rob Rawlinson. The three pronged guitar attack of Webb, Anderson and Blunt soon had venues rocking and EMI put the money up for the band's debut album. The album hit the streets to great reviews and Broken Glass seemed on their way to fame and fortune. The quality...
Broken Youth's musical ethos stems from many different places. From the dark & dingy afterhours clubs of the North of England, to the illegal squat parties of London. From stadium filled raves to the intimacy of Sunday afternoon record shopping; this UK double act creates music influenced by, what some would say, is a broken youth they lived themselves consisting of hazy smoke filled rooms, bass heavy beats and all weekend partying. Mixing up the sounds that inspired them with today's bass music vibes, Broken Youth could be described as underground music colliding with popular culture; artists making music aimed...
ブロークン・ソーシャル・シーン(Broken Social Scene)は1999年にカナダのトロントで結成されたスーパーグループバンドである。 ほとんどのメンバーは以前から違うバンドやソロとして活動しており、一時期は20人を超えるバンドであった。それぞれのメンバーがもつ、違った個性がこのバンドに反映されており、様々な音楽の多様性を感じ取ることができる。とにかく沢山の楽器を使用しているために、ひとつひとつの楽曲はとても濃密である。 時に"Broken Social Scene"を省略して"BSS"と呼よぶことがある。 バンドの中心的メンバーであるケビン・ドリュー(Kevin Drew)とブレンダン・カニング(Brendan Canning)が、数名のアーティストとともにデビューアルバム、「Feel Good Lost」を発表したのが始まりである。このアルバムでは、ほとんどが楽器のみの演奏であるポストロック的な意味合いが強かった。その後、アンドリュー・ホワイトマン(Andrew Whiteman)やファイスト(Leslie Feist)らがメンバーに加わり、2枚目のアルバム、「You Forgot It In People」を発表。このアルバムで、各メディアや音楽批評家に高く評価されることになる。 その後もメンバー編成は続き、「Bee Hives」(2004)と「Broken Social Scene」(2005)、2つのアルバムを発表。そして2007年にはBSSの新しいプロジェクト、「Broken Social Scene Presents...」を開始した。 2010年、トータスのジョン・マッケンタイア(John McEntire)を共同プロデューサーに迎え、「Forgiveness Rock Record」をリリース。2006年以来、2回目となるフジロックフェスティバルへの出演も決定している。 .
from The Broken Heartbreakers are an Auckland-based 'folk-pop' group. They started life in 2002 when song-writer John Guy Howell teamed up with singer Rachel Bailey, and the nucleus of the group was formed. To their surprise, the band’s repertoire of songs of “love, loss and lonesome nights” soon garnered a loyal following beyond the usual friends and family circuit. As their popularity has grown, the group has been chuffed to play at the bass player’s brother’s wedding and to support such international acts as Lou Barlow and The Handsome Family. Their recently released, self-titled album is a labour of...