Full proof | ja

カーティス・フラー(Curtis Fuller, 1934年12月15日 - は、アメリカ、ミシガン州デトロイト出身のモダンジャズのトロンボーン奏者。 幼少の頃に両親と死に別れ、孤児だったフラーは、デトロイトの学校でポール・チェンバース、ドナルド・バードと知り合う。1953年から1955年軍隊に在籍し、その後ユセフ・ラティーフのバンドに加わった。1957年にニューヨークへ行き彼はプレスティッジ・レコードに初リーダーアルバムを録音した。以後ブルーノート・レコードでも活躍し、特にジョン・コルトレーンのリーダー作である『ブルー・トレイン』は、リー・モーガンと共に3管の一人として参加し評価された。彼自身も、ブルーノートにはリーダー作をいくつか残した。また、アート・ブレイキーやジョー・ヘンダーソンのグループでの活動も有名である。 .
More than one group seem to share this name. 1) Bulgarian alternative/metal band 2) Hardcore band from Ambler (that is still active (2009) . 3) A 70's Tribute from the UK, playing classic rock, funk, soul & reggae www.dazthesinger.co.uk 4)Indian-Nepali band from Darjeeling. Full Circle performed mainly acoustic music blended with traditional instruments to Kathmandu audiences. The band also toured around Asia as well as playing in the UK, in addition to releasing two albums before going their separate ways in 2006. 5) Thrash Metal band from Kentucky. 6) An '80s fusion group that recorded for Columbia, and whose style...
Marianne Faithfull (born 29 December 1946 in London) is an English singer-songwriter and actress whose career spans more than four decades. Her early work in pop and rock music in the 1960s was overshadowed by her struggle with drug abuse in the 1970s. After a long commercial absence, she returned late in 1979 with the highly acclaimed album, Broken English. Faithfull's subsequent solo work, often critically-acclaimed, has at times been rather overshadowed by her personal history. From 1966 to 1970, she had a highly-publicised romantic relationship with Rolling Stones' lead singer Mick Jagger. She co-wrote "Sister Morphine", which is featured...
1) Bulletproof (Jay Cyanide) is a Drum and Bass/Dubstep producer from Auckland, New Zealand. For over a decade, the name "BULLETPROOF" has stood for nothing less than the futuristic "Neurofunk" style of dance floor drum & bass. His relentless passion and devotion to Drum & Bass established Jay Bulletproof as one of the nations leading Drum & Bass DJ's & Producers. He hosts the weekly nationwide D&B show "The Subsessions" every Wedneday on GeorgeFM, and recently took out the award for "Nest Nz Drum & Bass DJ" at the 2010 Nite:life awards.16 years into the game and today, Jay still...
Los Angeles canyon-rock quintet the Everpresent Fullness comprised singer/guitarist Tom Carvey, lead guitarist Paul Johnson, bassist Steve Pugh, drummer Terry Hand and multi-instrumentalist Jack Ryan. Formed in 1965, the group fused elements of pop, country-rock and even ragtime, often sharing the stage with kindred spirits like the Buffalo Springfield and the Sir Douglas Quintet; opening slots for the Turtles earned the Everpresent Fullness the attention of White Whale Records, and their debut single "Wild About My Lovin'" followed in 1966. The group reached the apex of their career that summer, beginning work on a full-length LP and opening for Love...