Milos Pesovic | ja

Born in Montenegro in 1983 and a multiple prize-winner, Miloš Karadaglić has established himself as one of today’s most gifted young guitar virtuosos. In July 2010 he signed an exclusive recording contract with Deutsche Grammophon, and his first recording will be released in spring 2011. Growing up during the time of the Balkan civil war, Miloš began playing the guitar at the age of 8 and very quickly won national recognition for his performances. At 16 he was awarded a scholarship to study at the Royal Academy of Music where, after graduating with First Class Honours, he went on to...
Michael Milosh's vocals have been declared "sensual, airy, soothing, lush seascapes of erupting warmth and gentleness." Milosh, from Toronto, Canada, debuted his first album, You Make Me Feel ("Top 10 Electronic Albums," iTunes 2004), as a work reveling in the joys of new love. It celebrated everything from his girlfriend's taste to her positive presence in his life. But then they broke up. Recorded in the 12 months after his relationship's collapse, Meme explores all facets of the newly-single male experience: heartache, loneliness, lust, guilt, soul searching, and eventually, romantic rebirth. Says Milosh, "It begins with 'It's Over,' a song...
Boki Milošević (Prokuplje, 31 December 1931 — 15 April 2018) was a Serbian clarinetist and composer of folk music. Božidar "Boki" Milošević was a member of Ansambl Bokija Miloševića and Ansambl Dušana Radetića. He died in April 2018. Божидар Боки Милошевић (Прокупље, 31. децембар 1931) је познати српски кларинетиста, магистар музике. Био је шеф оркестра Радиотелевизије Београд, професор музичке школе „Јосип Славенски“, члан и солиста Београдске филхармоније. Музиком професионално почиње да се бави од 1950. године када заслугом Властимира Павловића Царевца почиње да свира у оркестру Радио Београда. Три пута се женио. Има четворо деце. Син Милан је диригент и...