Privateer | ja

Ye Banished Privateers is a ten man strong band from Umeå, Sweden. The members consist of Members: Peter Mollwing, Jens Choong, Eva Maaharra, Björn Malmros, Sara Wallin, Emil Mäki, Magnus Mäki, Martin Gavelin, Jonas Nilsson, Richard Larsson and Hampus Holm. The band recently released their debut album Songs and Curses, for free download on the Pirate Bay. The Album received nothing but positive comments, and was downloaded more than 120.000 times during the first week, placing itself as the No 1. downloaded album during the first 48 hours. Ye Banished Privateers' soundcloud page has had more than 100.000 streams since...
PRIVATEER'S HISTORY (The Black Ship's log-book) : PRIVATEER- metal band, which was founded in July 2005 in Krakow, by the bass player and composer Andrzej "Skorgan' Pichliński. Only two months after the band's founding, Privateer published independedly their first single, "Monolith". The recording was received enthusiastically in the underground, which encouraged the band to work on a full-lenght album. In the same year (2005) Privateer began cooperation with the Absinthia Management concert agency. Since the beginning of 2006 the band toured extensively, joining Sorcerer and Archeon (Made of Hate) in February for the "Winter Metal Tour 2006”. In spring 2006...