DJ MDF, DJ MP7 013 feat MC GW, DJ MONO F12 | ja

2006年にダラスで結成されたポストハードコアバンド。初期はサザンロック色が強かったが、1st EP以外はポストハードコアにシフトしている。 2枚の音源をリリースした後、インディーズ大手であるRise Recordsへ移籍。2014年までに4枚のアルバムをリリースしているが、最新作である4thアルバム「Unconditional」はビルボードチャートにて4位を記録し、バンドの出世作となっている。 .
kimono is an experimental rock trio hailing from Reykjavik, Iceland and Halifax, Nova Scotia. Their lastest album is called "Easy Music For Difficult People" and is released on Kimi Records. kimono is made up of Gylfi Blöndal(guitar), Alison MacNeil (guitar and vocals) and Kjartan Bragi Bjarnason (drums). They have released three full-length albums in addition to their latest record including their debut in 2003 (”Mineur Aggressif”), the critically acclaimed “Arctic Death Ship” in 2005 and the experimental “all music recorded” in 2007, the last one in collaboration with Icelandic producer Curver (of Ghostigital). kimono took up residence in Berlin in...
In the aftermath of the drone/ambient sound project Ora's breakup a couple of years back, all of the principle voices from that loose British collective have been producing an amazing array of translations of the drone through a variety of improvisations, field recordings, and electronic synthesis. Monos is the project of Darren Tate and Colin Potter, both of whom worked extensively in Ora as Tate collected field recordings for the group and Potter provided his engineering prowess which has also been employed by Nurse With Wound and Current 93. The two have produced about a half dozen or so super...
見つかりました 10 曲, デュレーション: 27:38
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