02 - Ghost Of Mary (2016 - Oblivaeon) | ja

JUDY AND MARY(ジュディ アンド マリー は、日本のロックバンド。略称は「ジュディマリ」あるいは「JAM」。 1992年にYUKI(Vo)、藤本泰司(Gt)、恩田快人(Ba)の3人で結成される。1993年に藤本泰司(Gt)に代わりTAKUYA(Gu)が加入し、サポートメンバーだった五十嵐公太(Dr)が正式メンバーとなりシングル『POWER OF LOVE』でメジャーデビュー。1995年にシングル『Over Drive』でブレイク、1996年にシングル『そばかす』がオリコンチャート初登場1位を獲得。その後にも『クラシック』や『散歩道』などヒット曲を出し続け、1998年には「紅白歌合戦」に出場。 約1年間の休止の後、2000年に活動再開。しかし後の話し合いにより解散が決定。2001年3月8日の東京ドームライブを最後に解散した。解散発表と同時にワタナベノブタカとの共同プロデュースによる2年8ヵ月ぶりのラストアルバム『WARP』が発表された。 .
There are three artists by the name 'Ghost Town.' 1.) A Garage Rock/Evil Surf/Lo-Fi Pop band from Bournemouth, UK, Britain (UK) on the label 'Party's Over'. https://soundcloud.com/ghost-town http://ghost-town.bandcamp.com/album/killer-waves-and-x-ray-eyes 2.) A five piece hardcore/metal band from the Gold Coast, Australia. Sam - Vocals Daniel - Guitar Chris - Guitar Jackson - Bass Shaun - Drums Taking influences from such bands as Converge, Trap Them, etc... They have played countless local shows.. Toured Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia & Singapore. Releases: This Is The Way The World Ends - EP (2008) Calamities - Album (2010) Ghost Town is with Deadsouls records http://www.myspace.com/deadsoulsrecords www.myspace.com/thisisghosttown...
There are four artists by this name: 1. Primary (프라이머리), a south Korean hip-hop producer under the label, Amoeba Culture. 2. Japanese doujin music circle, led by yuiko: http://primary-yuiko.com/ 3. Primary, a band from Sydney, Australia, featuring former members of Caligula and Def FX and lead singer Connie Mitchell (now Sneaky Sound System), were an electronic-rock band with two released albums, Watching The World (2003) and This Is The Sound (1999). Tracks such as Vicious Precious, Young and Brazilian attracted national airplay on alternative station Triple J in 1998 and 1999. They toured extensively (including Big Day Out and Homebake)...
Mary Lambert is good at two things: crying and eating. Nowhere is this better reflected than on her debut EP ‘letters don’t talk’ released in July of 2012. Burrowed away with her friends in the woods of Sequim, Washington recording with the production team of Dungeness Records, she spent 2 years finessing and crafting the poignant and earnest collection of songs. Resembling the subdued softness of artists like Feist and Bon Iver, Lambert has carved a niche for herself, winding profound lyricism around breathy, haunting melodies. As a performer, Lambert exemplifies the traditions of a singer/ songwriter while melding a...
There are, almost, three bands named "The Ghost": 1- The Ghost were a British folk rock group formed in Birmingham in 1969. They released one album When You're Dead - One Second and two singles before singer Shirley Kent left the band to pursue a solo career. The group then changed its name to Resurrection but didn't record anything under this new name. 2- The Ghost are a postpunk/emo band hailing from Chicago, whose heartfelt and passionate songs have guaranteed them a cult following if not mainstream success. 2002's This Is A Hospital was followed in 2004 by This Pen...
見つかりました 10 曲, デュレーション: 46:24