Dizzy Pilot | ja

Twenty One Pilots is a Grammy Award-winning American musical duo that originates from Columbus, Ohio. The band was formed in 2009 by Tyler Joseph along with former members Nick Thomas and Chris Salih, and currently consists of vocalist/keyboardist Tyler Joseph and drummer Josh Dun. They self-released two albums, Twenty One Pilots (2009) and Regional at Best (2011), before being signed by Fueled By Ramen in 2012. They released their signed debut, Vessel (2013) and second signed album, Blurryface (2015). Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun have earned widespread acclaim for their energetic live sets and distinctive fusion of piano-driven pop and...
ラテンとジャズの融合を実践したビ・バップの革命児 (1917~1993)  17年サウスカロライナ州生まれ。14歳でトロンボーンを始めるが、トランペットに転向。フィラデルフィアに移住後、地元バンドで演奏しはじめ、ロイ・エルドリッジ(tp)の影響を受ける。37年にテディ・ヒル楽団へ参加するが、同僚と衝突。39年にキャブ・キャロウェイ楽団に参加。リーダーに怪我を負わせ、こちらも退団。40年頃からハーレムのクラブでジャム・セッションに参加。ケニー・クラーク(ds)、セロニアス・モンク(p)らとビ・バップを確立。42年、アール・ハインズ楽団でチャーリー・パーカー(as)と出会い、頻繁に共演を重ねる。46年以降、断続的にビッグ・バンドを結成しアフロ・キューバン音楽の大衆化に貢献。歌手のジミー・ブライソンは実娘。93年没。 Dr.NAKAJIMA著 .
Few artists have the cult following that Toronto’s Pilotpriest does. Spawned by a bootleg of Run DMC’s “My Adidas” in 2007, Pilotpriest’s sweeping notoriety has steadily gained ground, fueled by an additional boot remixes ranging from pop to hip hop and a remix of Lioness’ “My Heart.” Through all the chatter there is one unusual thing about him. Though his tracks are coveted and his production praised time and time again, the question remains…who is Pilotpriest? Born in Ontario, Canada, Pilotpriest grew up with no musical training. Gravitating towards an organ in his family’s house, he instead taught himself how...
Autopilot Off was an American punk rock band from Orange County, New York. Under the name Cooter, they recorded their first album - entitled Looking Up - in the year of 1999 and signed with Island Records shortly afterwards, releasing the eponymous debut EP in the spring of 2002. In 2004, under the current name Autopilot Off, they released their debut album, Make a Sound, which includes the single "What I Want", co-written by Rancid's Tim Armstrong. "Clockwork" was featured on the soundtrack of the games SSX3 and NHL 2004. "Chromatic Fades" was used in NASCAR Thunder 2004. "Make a...
Ireland's The Amazing Pilots are brothers Phil and Paul Wilkinson. Althouth their first EP was released in the UK in 2001, their US debut Hello My Captor wasn't until this year. The Amazing Pilots are melodic and hum-worthy, and definitely deserve a listen. From the band's bio: When music is truly special, it shakes out old memories and make the worst days feel like stepping stones. You’ll wanna have a little bit of happiness with your sadness and maybe even the other way ‘round. .