Immortal Suffering | ja

Felipe Coronel (1978年 2月 19日生)、 Immortal Techniqueとしてよく知られている彼はヒップホップアーティストであり政治的活動家でも」ある。現在はヴァイパーレコーズの社長でありA&R(アーティスト-アンド-レパートリー)でもある。ペルー生まれ。数々の彼の曲は社会的制裁に焦点があてられていて、幅広い種類の話題が網羅されている。 例として挙げられるのが: *アメリカの都市部での貧困問題と国際的な経済不平等(特に中南米諸国/ラテンアメリカでの)。 * Mumia Abu-Jamal(イモータル-テクニークの曲の中で何度か間に声が挿入されている)の投獄への抗議。 *アメリカでの軍国主義とその軍事産業との込入った事情。 *保守主義者と企業の私益を優先しているメディアにおける偏重報道。 .
The Young Immortals are a rock band hailing from Portland, Oregon. Founder, and songwriter Jacob Ray has been playing in Portland for years, and has released his songs as a band. The single "The Fever" has been featured on the starbucks compilation "Off The Clock Volume 1." The Young Immortals first CD, When History Meets Fiction will has been released the summer of 2007. Pick it up at or Apple iTunes. For more information you can visit The Young Immortals myspace page .
1) Immortal Rites are an Indonesian Black Metal band form east java (kediri), their official Immortal Rites stood on 1998 in Kediri East Java. With the first personal Arifin as vocalist , Anddie as lead guitarist ,Dwe Farmosath as bassist , A’ar as drummer .they tried to mix Death Metal and Black Metal music. Actually, this personal not survive for a long time in early 2001 . At the same year Immortal Rites recruited Dony Petek ( Iconoclasm ) . 5 years in Immortal Rites Arifin got out. Until now their soldiers are: Anddie ( lead guitarist ), Dony...
Suffering Mind is a grindcore band from Lublin, Poland. The band has dual female / guttural male vocals, and members formally played in acts such as Antichrist and People Hate. Influences include equal doses of old-school grindcore, crust punk, death metal and powerviolence, and influences by particular bands include Phobia, Disrupt, Dystopia, Dropdead, Spazz, Insect Warfare, etc. Discography: Destroy Mankind 7" EP (2008) At War With Mankind CD / LP (2009) Split 7" EP w/ Wojtyła (2009) Split 7" EP w/ Lycanthrophy (2009) Split 12" LP w/ Asshammer (2009) Death To False Grind 3" EP (2010) Suffering Mind LP (2010)...
Islamic Black Metal band with raw hatred for Americans, Western Culture, and Christianity. Recorded two Demos so far, 'The Djihad Has Just Begun'(2002) and 'Trash Klash'(2004) .
見つかりました 88 曲, デュレーション: 09:12:38
Dawn Of The Dead [Brutal Death / NYDM]
Suffering from Immortal Death
Eternal Damnation/ Images Of Horror[Full Album]
1994 - Immortal Suffering [Demo]
Eternal Damnation (Compilation) (2023)
Preyed Upon (2019)
Preyed Upon[Full Album] - 2019
2015 - Asylum (Full Album)
Extreme Torture (EP) (2023)
Extreme Torture [EP] (2023)
Rotting Flesh, 2013 USA
Entangled Upon Lies (2020 Masterered)
Embalmed Alive
Melodies of Suffering
Embalmed Alive
Sacred Descender
Gotten' Over Her
Nothing Left But Deathgrindclub
Rotting Flesh
Gotten Over Her
Gotten Over Her
Suffering Of The Immortal
Bleed 'Em Out
Rotting Flesh
Rotting Flesh
Sacred Descender [Brutal Death / NYDM]
Corpse (2019)
immortal suffering
Corpse (Grave Diggers) (2020 Masterered)
Corpse (2019)
Corpse (Grave Diggers)
Freinzied Halucinations