Winston Reedy | ja

There are more than one artist with this name: 1) Greedy is Sacramento, Ca rapper. 2) Greedy is also finnish rapper. 3) Greedy was a swedish pop punk band that released an album on Ultima Thule's label in 1997 and contributed to a handful of compilation albums up until 2001. .
ジョージ・ウィンストン (George Winston、1949年‐ ) は、アメリカ合衆国ミシガン州生まれでモンタナ州育ちのピアニスト・作曲家。 その自然風景を反映するジョージのプレイは癒し系音楽 (ニューエイジ・ミュージック) と認知されている。ニューエイジ・アーティストとして認知されているも、ファンはジョージのプレイを Yanni のような「イージーリスニング」ジャンルと同じ分類ではないとみなしている。ジョージは彼自身のプレイスタイルを "Rural Folk Piano" と呼んでいる。また、彼はR&Bやジャズ、ブルースやロックなどからも影響を受けており、特に The Doors からは強い影響を受けたと語っている。 .
Elle Winston is a Brooklyn-based singer-songwriter. She originates from Ft. Wayne, Indiana in the heart of the midwest, but spent most of her life growing up in southwest sun of Arizona. Her music draws it’s influences from American jazz, soul, funk, blues, r&b, alternative music and world music. Elle completed a Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance at Arizona State University studying under Judy May. She went on to become deeply involved in the live music scene happening in Phoenix, Arizona. Singing with the funk group Hot Birds and the Chili Sauce and fronting the Latin group Bata Ire, Elle...
There are at least 5 artists under Winston's name: 1. Hunter Husar, formerly of Mahjongg, new solo project. His EP can be found @ 2. Canadian singer-songwriter Winston doesn’t take any shortcuts with his debut solo album, Limited. Recording the six-song EP on vintage analogue gear, Winston self-produced the new album without using any digital devices -- no computers, no Pro Tools, not even a digital guitar tuner. The result is his celebrated introspective alt-pop, only grittier and at times haunting. “I wanted to make something real, something human,” Winston says about his decision to skip industry standard recording...
The son of a preacher, Winston was born in 1957, in the hills of Manchester parish, near Christiana, in Jamaica. His parents were very fond of music and it was only natural for him to sing in church. After his father died in 1971, Winston left his native home and moved to Kingston, where his sister was a teacher. In this new city environment, he became friend with Hugh Mundell, Earl Sixteen and Wayne Wade. Because he was sure of their talent, he went with them to their first auditions and even wrote some of their first songs, like Earl...