Olivia Broadfield | ja

オリビアオン(1985年10月2日生まれ)は、シンガポール出身の歌手です。英語での歌が大部分ですが、日本語での曲も多数持っています。 松田聖子に例えられ、彼女は歌のコンテストに優勝し、わずか15歳でS2S Pte Ltdと契約されました。オリヴィア、2つの他のsingaporeanとともに、女の子は日本のポップグループ(ミライ)をつくりました。彼らの最初のシングル(オープンUp Your Mind)は、日本のアニメ(Gensoumaden Saiyuki)の中のテーマソングのうちの1曲でした。 彼女の普通級にシンガポールの試験を持っていった後に、オリヴィアは単独のアーティストとしての彼女の経歴と同様に彼女の研究を進めるために、日本へ引っ越しました。日本では、彼女が彼女のベストセラーのdを公開する前に、彼女はミライと呼ばれている日本ポップ(J-ポップ)グループのメンバーになりました。そして、「Girl Meets Bossa Nova」を出したのが19歳の時でした。 彼女の官能的で、ソウルフルで、無垢で、純真なボーカルをあげて、他のジャズやポップの間で、彼女は「Quietスターズの静かなNights」のようなフランクシナトラのヒットを解釈し直します。彼女は、国際的に輸出されているシンガポールの才能のニューウェーブのうちの1つです。これまで、オリヴィアは日本だけに輸出される唯一のポップセンセーションです。 .
Olivia Holt (born August 5, 1997) is an American teen actress and singer born in Germantown, Tennessee, USA whom is best known for portraying Kim on the Disney XD series Kickin' It, and starred in the Disney Channel original movie "Girl vs. Monster" where she played the lead character Skylar Lewis, a teenage girl that discovers her family has long worked as monster hunters, and she's next in line. The film premiered in October 2012. She released three songs for the movie, which were released as a part of the Ultimate Make Your Mark Playlist and are availble for purchase...
Embajada Boliviana was born in La Plata in 1994 when a group of friends (JULI, CABEZA, KUNTACU, MATU) started to play ispired by The Ramones. They have recorded some demo albums before Soñando Locuras appeared. .
Carlos and Julio Arguedas founded Bolivia Manta to help preserve and promote the traditions of the indigenous communities of the Andes. "When the Spaniards arrived," notes the group, "thousands of men were uprooted from their communities and condemned to work in the towns and mining centers. Exploited, despised, they continued to play and the music endured through time, getting richer from the influences that mixed in with it." As is often the case with groups that strive to promote Native culture, they have experienced political and economic difficulties in their home country that forced them to live in exile in...
Olivia Lewis, born 18 October 1978, is a singer from Qormi, Malta. She has competed 11 consecutive times in the Malta Song For Europe festival, which selects the country's entry for the Eurovision Song Contest. At an early age, she started showing interest towards singing and performing and eventually started attending singing lessons. This was followed by a string of successful participations in local song festivals. Her winning streak was formidable and her huge collection of trophies is full of memories from these past festivals when she was so young. Her first participation in the Song for Europe Festival was...