hossein safamanesh | ja

Hossein Alizadeh(ホセイン・アーリザーデ)はイランの作曲家、ペルシア伝統音楽奏者。テヘランで1951年に生まれ、テヘラン大学で作曲とペルシア伝統音楽を学んだ後、ベルリン芸術大学に進学。ペルシア伝統音楽の巨匠たちからラディーフ(代々口伝の旋律体系)を習得した。 今日では彼はペルシア伝統音楽界の中でも最重要人物の一人として数えられており、テヘラン音楽院・テヘラン大学で教鞭をとるとともに、世界中を周りタール(イランからカフカス地方にかけて伝わる弦楽器)やセタール(イランの弦楽器。シタールとは異なる)の奏者として活躍している。1977年にはPaviz Meshkhatian、Mohammad Reza Lotfiとともにアレフ・アンサンブルを組むなど、ペルシア伝統音楽の普及と宣伝への貢献を続けている。 .
Hosseini was born in Kabul, Afghanistan. His father was involved with the Afghan Foreign Ministry and his mother was a teacher at a large girls high school in Kabul. In 1970, the Foreign Ministry sent his family to Tehran, Iran, where his father worked for the Afghan embassy. In 1973 Hosseini and his family returned to their home city of Kabul. In July 1973, Hosseini's youngest brother was born. This was the same time Afghan power changed hands through a bloodless coup. In 1976, Khaled Hosseini's father got a job in Paris, France and he moved his family to Paris....
French composer of Persian origins (b. 1905 in Samarkand; d. 1983 in Paris). His father was a rich merchant, and his mother initiated him in-to music. He was studying in Moscow when the 1917 Revolution occurred. He then left for Germany and continued his studies there, where his father wanted him to do medicine. Simultaneously, however, he studied music at the Stuttgart Conservatory, and later in Tübingen and Berlin, where he studied piano with Arthur Schnabel and composition with W. Klatt. He settled in France in 1927 and entered the Paris Conservatory, where he studied composition and orchestration with Paul...
Hossein 'Omoumi was born in Isfahãn, Iran, and began his musical education singing with his father. At the age of fourteen he began to study the ney, the traditional reed flute of Iran. In 1962, Omoumi entered the National University of Iran to study architecture, but also played the ney in musical competitions, later entering the National Conservatory of Music in Tehran. His performance career has included appearances at many of the major festivals and concert halls in Europe and the United States, including San Francisco’s World Music Festival, UCLA’s Schoenberg Hall, and Wadsworth Theater the Getty Center, in Los...
Hossein Panahi Dezhkooh (Persian: حسین پناهی دژکوه) (born 28 August 1956, Dezh'kooh, Kohkiloie, Iran - died 7 August 2004, Tehran) was an Iranian actor and poet., the Iranian Actor, writer and director. He first went to a religious (Islamic) school and came back to his town as a religious preacher, but after a false answer he gave to a woman on purpose, he was excommunicated by his family and the whole city, so he went to Tehran to attend "Anahita" School of arts in playwriting/acting. He started professional acting in some TV shows, and then directed his own written plays....