Gigi De Martino | ja

There are at least 5 artists known as Gigi 1) GIGI is a pop rock band which formed in 1994 in Indonesia. The band consists of Armand Maulana (vocals), Dewa Budjana (guitars), Thomas Ramdhan (guitars), and Gusty Hendy (drums). Former members include Aria Baron, Ronald Fristianto, Opet Alatas, and Budhy Haryono. As of 2008, the band has released 15 studio albums, the latest being "Peace, Love 'n Respect", released in 2007. Their web site is found at: 2) GIGI is the recording project of Vancouver-based songwriter Nick Krgovich (P;ano, No Kids) and producer/engineer Colin Stewart. The Debut album, titled...
パット・マルティーノはジャズ・ギターのパイオニアだ(ジョン・コルトレーンがジャズ・サックスにおけるそれであるように……)。大衆性はないが、一部のファンから熱狂的な支持を得ている。 63年にデビューし、オルガン奏者とのコラボレーションによってそのスタイルを確立(彼の肉声のような太い音色はオルガンのイメージによるものかもしれない)。次々と意欲的な作品を創っていった。大きな流れで言うと60年代はビ・バップ、70年代はフュージョンといったところ。代表作は、ジャケットに仏画を用い、東洋色を打ち出した『イースト』(68年)、インド音楽に接近した『バイヤイナ』(68年)、12弦ギターを駆使してテクニックの限界まで挑戦した『デスペラード』(70年)などで、ジャズ・ギターを根城にさまざまな音楽を取り入れ、研究/求道していった。その演奏技術は他を圧倒し、まるで空間を埋め尽くすように音をちりばめる――ゆえに、“マシンガン奏法”や“空間恐怖症”などといわれていた。彼を尊敬するミュージシャンはたくさんいるが、いまだ彼の境地まで到達する者はなく後継者は不在である。 80年、脳動脈癌による記憶喪失で再起不能といわれたが、87年に『ザ・リターン』で奇跡の復活。そんな逸話も彼を神格化するものとなった。現在でも圧倒的なテクニックでギター・ジーニアスとして君臨し、多くのギター小僧の羨望の眼差しを集める。 .
Bruno Martino was born 11th November 1925. His musical career started in 1944, when the young pianist entered the radio symphony orchestra of the roman broadcasting station RAI. At the same time he already performed with local jazz bands. After he had left Italy in 1947, he worked in several european night clubs, above all in Denmark. His orchestra played a mixture of jazz, neapolitan folk-songs and his own compositions, ranking among the most distinguished ball-room orchestras of that time. After he had returned to Italy, he wrote songs for prominent singers like Caterina Valente, Renato Rascel and Wilma de...
Adriano Martino is an italian musician, guitar player and producer. Born in Rome on 23 June 1965. He graduated in classical guitar in 1989 at the Conservatory of Santa Cecilia in his city. Working in the studio with important names in Italian music, as Renato Zero, Gianni Morandi, Antonello Venditti, Riccardo Cocciante, Domenico Modugno (Bacalov), Al Bano, Massimo Ranieri, squalor. Participates as a guitarist in numerous television productions and broadcasts such as "One of Us" and "There was a boy" with Gianni Morandi, "Music Farm 2" and "Christmas in the Vatican," collaborating with the teachers Pippo Caruso, Renato Serio Alterisio...
Gigi Finizio è un grande...non ci sono aggettivi per definire la sua grande maestosità. Gigi Finizio is one of the adjectives exist to describe his great prowess. .