Astral Display | ja

October 21, 2011: Heavy Metal and classic rock strikes back. "Jerusalem", Astral Doors sixth album is more than just an album: -It's a concept; power packed riff oriented music with razor sharp vocals and lyrics in your face. But hey; perhaps you want to know more about Astral Doors?! Don't worry; below you can read the full biography In early 2002, Swedish guitarist Joachim Nordlund, drummer Johan Lindstedt and singer Nils Patrik Johansson teamed up and decided to write some metal songs in the spirit of the old heroes Rainbow, Dio, Black Sabbath and Deep Purple. They completed the band...
The name Astral may refer to one of four bands or one DJ: 1) Astral is a dream pop group from San Francisco, California. Astral was formed by singer-guitarist Dave Han and drummer Shawn Poh in 1999; bassist Amy Rosenoff joined them in 2001. Their vocals are frequently compared to those of The Cure; other influences include My Bloody Valentine, Joy Division, and Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet. Their music is of an ethereal, melodic nature; this ambient sound is created largely by heavy use of distortion and feedback effects in Han's guitar. Poh's drumming could best be described...
Astral Project is a four-piece jazz ensemble from New Orleans, Louisiana consisting of Steve Masakowski on the seven-string guitar, Johnny Vidacovich on drums, Tony Dagradi on tenor and soprano saxophones, and James Singleton on bass. Astral Project is known for creating memorable melodies such as "Sidewalk Strut" and still incorporating many other influences through improvisation. .
There is more than one artist with this name: 1) Display are alternative rock band from Slovakia. 2) Display are: Muito suor, dedicação e paixão pela música. Assim pode-se definir a banda Display. Com cinco anos de carreira, e tendo tocado junto de artistas de renome nacional e até internacionais, Display segue sua estrada, cada vez investindo mais na virtuose dos instrumentos, na dedicação ao conteúdo das letras e na profissionalização da produção artística e comunicação social. Fundada no dia 28 de novembro de 2003, atualmente a Display é formada por Tiago Garcia (vocal), Juliano Jover (guitarra), Marcio Rocha (baixo)...
トランスシーン創世期より活躍する、元祖イスラエル発のGOAトランスマスターAstral Projection。 1989年にSFX名義でアシッドテクノのバンドとして活動。結成当初は3名でのユニットであったが、メンバーの一人であるYANIV HAVIVが宗教家としての道を歩む為、脱退。 現在の2名(Avi NissimとLior Perlmutter)での活動となり、1993年からASTRAL PROJECTIONとして本格的に始動する。 彼等の曲の特徴は、催眠状態の茫然とした魂を揺さぶるような、アッパー寄りのトランス・サウンドを展開する彼等の曲は、一定のリズムが空中に舞い上がっていくような高揚感と民族的なヴォイス・サンプリングでスピリチュアルなサイケデリック空間を形成している。 フロア向けというよりGOA本来の姿である広大なレイヴ・パーティーで映える荘厳な音楽だと言えるであろう。 ここ数年活動が停止していたが、近年になりまた活動を再開。 2009年のDJ MAGで世界ランキング67位を獲得。今も全世界に根強いファンを多く持つ。 GOAの敷居の高さを感じている初心者は、まず彼等の曲を聴いてみるのもいいかもしれない。 .
見つかりました 40 曲, デュレーション: 02:41:11
Energetic Human Body
Prison of Mind (Vector of Underground cover)
Dangerous (David Guetta cover)
Voice Inside
Standing On Precipice
Standing On A Precipice (Instrumental)
Power Within
Out of Memory
Standing On a Precipice
Voice Inside (Instrumental)
Ignorance (Instrumental)
Power Within (Instrumental)
Standing on Precipice(Single_2012)
Prometheus (Instrumental)
Dangerous (David Guetta feat. Sam Martin cover)
Energetic Human Body (Instrumental)
Standing On A Precipice (Acoustic,bonus)
Traces (ft. Andrey Lugovskoy from Astral Display)
Voice Inside
Power Within
Out of Memory (Instrumental)
Standing On A Precipice
Energetic Human Body
Dangerous (David Guetta Cover)
Traces (feat. Andrey Lugovskoy Of Astral Display)
Breath.Control (teaser)
Standing On Precipice (BREAKDOWN)