Nobody Knows | ja

Classic rock band in Liberec (Czech Republic). NOBODY KNOWS arisen in the year 2003. Members bands were influenceds for example KISS, Motley Crue, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles and Pantera. .
Otto Jettmann better known as Otto Knows is a Swedish DJ and music producer who has had a number of hits in Sweden, Belgium and the Netherlands and has collaborated with a number of artists including Tim Berg (Avicii), Sebastian Ingrosso, Alesso and has made remixes from ATB, Imogen Heap and others. His break came in 2010 on the electronic scene with "Hide and Seek" (Otto Knows bootleg) by Imogen Heap. This caught the attention of Tim Berg (Avicii) that used his production in "Hide & Seek (Avicii Remix)". He has had a number of chart successes including his single...
I Can Make a Mess Like Nobody's Business is an acoustic/alternative rock band, the side project of Arthur "Ace" Enders, lead singer and guitarist of The Early November. Though the self-titled album was originally the only planned official release under the name I Can Make a Mess Like Nobody's Business, time would prove otherwise. The project spawned from Enders' desire to make music different from The Early November. Background noises, such as a television playing, are heard throughout the album until the eleventh track, "End of Background Noise" to symbolize the background noises in one's daily life. The main image...
主にTVアニメ「神のみぞ知るセカイ」シリーズの主題歌および劇中歌を歌唱しているユニット。曲によって歌い手が異なる。 2010年10月から放送された神のみぞ知るセカイでは、オープニング主題歌である「God only knows~集積回路の夢旅人」を歌う。ボーカルはELISAが担当している。 楽曲は、全六幕で構成された宗教曲/賛美歌のようなクラシック(オラトリオ)『God only knows』と桂馬主観のテーマ『集積回路の夢旅人』の2つで構成されており、作品中­で流れるのは『God only knows』の「第三幕」。 2011年1月から放送された神のみぞ知るセカイⅡのオープニング主題歌も担当した。曲名は『A Whole New World God Only Knows』でこちらもオラトリオで構成されている。ボーカルはELISAとLiaのデュエットであり、交互にコーラスを担当している。 カップリング曲には『A Brand New World God Only Knows』があり、これは『A Whole New World God Only Knows』のメロディを基に、よりクラシック、ピアノ調にアレンジされた曲である。前回の『God Only Knows』は8分弱と全六幕で構成されていたが、今回は1曲3分30秒あたりと短くなっている。 2013年7月より放送された神のみぞ知るセカイ 女神篇では、新たに声優の早見沙織(劇中のハクア役)をボーカルに迎え、オープニング主題歌である『God only knows -Secrets of the Goddess- 』を歌っている。 物語に登場する女神たちをテーマに曲が展開され、序章と最終章を合わせ全八章から構成されている。総再生時間は前の二曲を超える約13分にも及ぶ。 .
To fully appreciate Nobody Beats The Drum's fusion of breaks, electro, hip hop and every other form of music that whips a crowd up into a sweaty, writhing heap of body parts, it's best to see them live. At a NBTD show the pounding music created by Sjam's decks and Jori's keys are enhanced by Rogier's visuals to create a sensual assault that's impossible to withstand. As they're fond of saying, resistance is futile – Nobody Beats The Drum. Nobody Beats The Drum is: Sjam Sjamsoedin Jori Collignon Rogier van der Zwaag For management, please contact: Cedric Muyres [email protected] phone:...
見つかりました 194 曲, デュレーション: 13:32:50
Where do you hide (nobody knows)
Nobody Knows
Nobody Knows
Nobody Know
Nobody Knows
Secret that nobody know
Nobody Knows
Nobody Knows
Nobody Can Know About Us
Nobody Knows
Nobody Knows (Original Mix)
Nobody Knows
Nobody Knows
Nobody Knows
Nobody Knows
Secret Nobody Knows
Nobody Knows
Nobody knows
Nobody Knows
The Secret That Nobody Knows
Nobody Knows
Nobody Knows
Nobody Knows
6 ая РОТА
Nobody Knows
What You Do
Nobody knows
Nobody Knows
nobody knows
Nobody Knows
Nobody Knows
Don't Say No 1981
Nobody Knows
Nobody Knows
My Love For You
nobody knows
Nobody Knows
Nobody Knows
Nobody Knows