Ast | ja

British synth player, born December 10, 1958. Enjoyed success on the underground dance scene in the early 80's before breaking into the mainstream with "19", an international smash which spent five weeks at number one in the UK. In the latter half of the 1980s he specialised in TV soundtrack work. He made the theme tunes for Top of The Pops and Saturday Live, popular British entertainment shows. Paul now records mainly under the pseudonym Jazzmasters. Early tracks of note include the popular 'Rain Forest' and 'King Tut', both were big dance hits in the U.S. Paul was also half...
Joan Sebastian (born in Juliantla, Guerrero, 8 April 1951 - 13 July 2015) is a popular Mexican singer and songwriter. He has composed hundreds of songs and been a regular staple on the top-40 charts in Mexico since his career began in 1977. His music is a mixture of Latin pop, ranchera and grupera music. His success is not only found in music but also in his short acting career when he became the main protagonist of a Mexican soap opera. In 1996 he made his acting debut in the Mexican soap opera Tú y Yo (You and I) sharing...
プラスティック トゥリー (Plastic Tree) は1993年に結成された日本のヴィジュアル系ロックバンド。 文学的な歌詞と、有村の浮遊感が漂うボーカルが特徴。 当初は80年代UKロックに影響を受けた楽曲や演奏スタイルであったが、2002年頃よりCOALTAR OF THE DEEPERSにサポートギターとしても参加しているナカヤマによる作曲が増え、またドラムにササブチが加入したことで、その楽曲の幅は大きく広がる。 ニューウェイブ、ネオアコ、オルタナ、シューゲイザー、グランジ、メタル、エレクトロなど雑食系のサウンドを展開しつつつもPlastic Treeならではの独特な世界感は失われる事は無い。 自身たちでセルフプロデュースを行う他、2003年から2004年にかけては音楽プロデューサーに亀田誠治を迎えて楽曲が制作された。2007年以降は明石昌夫がプロデュースを手掛けている。 現メンバー 有村竜太朗(ありむら りゅうたろう、3月6日生) ボーカル担当。千葉県出身。血液型AB型。 長谷川正(はせがわ ただし、11月16日生) ベース担当。リーダー。千葉県出身。血液型O型。 ナカヤマアキラ(1月16日生) ギター担当。北海道釧路市出身。血液型A型。 佐藤ケンケン(さとう ケンケン、1978年1月8日 - ) ドラム担当。2009年正式加入。長崎県出身。血液型O型。 旧メンバー KOJI(コージ) - ドラム SHIN(シン) - ドラム TAKASHI(タカシ、1月15日生) ドラム。本名:大正谷隆(おしょうだに たかし)。徳島県出身。血液型B型。2001年脱退。 ササブチヒロシ(10月12日生) ドラム。本名:笹渕啓史(読み同じ)。北海道室蘭市出身。血液型A型。2002年正式加入。2009年3月19日脱退。 .
Cristian Castro (born Cristian Sáenz Castro, December 8, 1974, in Mexico City) is a Grammy Award-nominated Mexican pop singer. He is also known as "Christian Castro", "Cristian", or "El Gallito Feliz" (The Happy Little Rooster). Castro added the "h" to his first name for the release of his successful album, "Mi Vida Sin Tu Amor" in 1999. "Christian Castro," however, is still not widely used as "Cristian Castro," and Castro actually went back to using "Cristian" on his albums until 2004. Castro released "Azul" in 2001, and won the "Best Latin Pop Album of the Year" award. Castro married Paraguayan,...
James Last (Hans Last, * April 17, 1929 in Bremen, † June, 9, 2015 in Florida) was a German composer and big band leader with a large fan base in Europe and world-wide. Last's trademark was arranging pop hits in a big-band style; his series of "party albums" is equally well-known. Over the course of his career, he has sold well over 100 million albums. Last learned how to play piano as child, switching to bass as a teenager. He joined Hans-Gunther Oesterreich's Radio Bremen Dance Orchestra in 1946, when he was 17 years old. In 1948, he became the...
見つかりました 183 曲, デュレーション: 11:32:24
Dilam Tang Ast
Moshkel Ast
Moshkel Ast
Номер 1
Верю в тебя (DJ Sanches Mash-Up 2023)
Я шепну тебе на ушко
Runaway Bird
Целуешь другую (v)
Rainey Heart
Numb Dumb (Original Mix)
Всё будет хорошо
Жизнь наркота
Sweet Dream (Luka.ver) (AST 1st anniversary REMIX)
Девочка Танцуй
Кукла (ремикс)
Moshkel Ast
Tutto Bene feat. Ruty Klein
музыка в моих венах
Я просто шум...
Late Night Story (feat. Niv Ast)
ШК Детка
Не твоя вина
Club Mix 2016
Все мимо | Artik & Ast
Mary Ast
I Get Around
Hanoz Awal E Ishq Ast
По Москве, по Неве
Twerk x Dutch House x Melbourn Bounce x Big Room
Вместе мы
Я отпускаю
Pieles (Niv Ast Remix)