Erskine Hawkins | ja

まろやかな音色で“ジャズ・テナーの父”と呼ばれた巨人(1904~1969) “ジャズ・テナーの父”といわれた巨人。1904年ミズーリ州セントジョセフ生まれ。69年ニューヨークで没。5歳でピアノを学び、11歳でテナー・サックスを手にする。21年の春カンサス・シティでプロ・デビューし、23年フレッーチャー・ヘンダーソン楽団に参加し、その演奏スタイルを確立する。34年からヨーロッパ各地を楽旅し、39年に帰国すると「ボディ&ソウル」を録音。ジャズ誌の読者人気投票でベスト・テナー奏者に選ばれた。40~50年代にかけてモダン・ジャズの巨人たちと競演した他、多くの主要フェスティバルに参加し若手のスタイルも吸収。60年代はトミー・フラナガン(p)、メジャー・ホリー(b)、エディ・ロック(ds)とレギュラー・カルテットを結成。 Dr.NAKAJIMA著 .
Hawkshaw Hawkins (Harold Franklin Hawkins, Huntington, West Virginia, December 22, 1921 - March 5, 1963) was an American country music singer. He was popular from the 1950s into the early 60s and known for his rich, smooth vocals and music drawn from blues, boogie and honky tonk. Hawkins died in the 1963, in the same plane crash that took the lives of Patsy Cline and Cowboy Copas. He was a member of the Grand Ole Opry and was married to country star Jean Shepard. Harold Hawkins was born on December 22, 1921 in Huntington, West Virginia. He gained his nickname...
Edwin Reuben Hawkins (August 19, 1943 – January 15, 2018) was an American gospel musician, pianist, choir master, composer, and arranger. He was one of the originators of the urban contemporary gospel sound. He (as leader of the Edwin Hawkins Singers) was probably best known for his arrangement of "Oh Happy Day" (1968–69), which was included on the Songs of the Century list. The Edwin Hawkins Singers made a second foray into the charts exactly one year later, backing folk singer Melanie on "Lay Down (Candles in the Rain)". At the age of seven Hawkins was already the keyboardist to...