Stavros | ja

Jasmin Stavros (was born November 1, in Split (Croatia). He comes from a familiy of musicians. By the age of 15 he perfomed as a professional in numerous groups such as "Delfini" , "Mladi batali" etc. He cooperated with Josipa Lisac, Ivica Šefrezi, Duško Lokin, Neda Ukraden, Mišo Kovač, Ljupka Dimitrovska and many more. His first record was published in 1987 in cooperation with Rajko Dujmić and Stevo Cvikić. It was sold in more of 50 000 copies, and his first major concert was held in Lisinski Concert Hall, in 1990. After that his popularity in EXYU countries was rising...
Σταύρος Ξαρχάκος {Stavros Xarchakos} (b. 1939) is a Greek composer and conductor. He was born on 14th March 1939 in Athens, where he studied at the Athens Conservatoire. He emerged in the Greek music scene in around 1963, composing music for the theatre and cinema. Among his collaborators was lyricist Λευτέρης Παπαδόπουλος (Lefteris Papadopoulos). In 1967 he went to Paris to study with Nadia Boulanger. He stayed there for four years, and went on to study with David Diamond at the Juilliard School of Music. While he mainly composed in the style of Greek popular music, Laïka, he also composed...
Stavros Gasparatos was born in Patras in 1975. He studied classical and jazz guitar at the “Fillipos Nakas” music conservatory. He also has a degree in mechanical engineering from the technological university of Patras. During his studies, he also attended series of seminars on sound engineering. Since 1997, Stavros Gasparatos has been working as a music composer, arranger, producer and sound engineer. In 1998, together with Alexandros Tsilfidis, they founded the music group “gyro gyro” releasing tree albums featuring musicians like B.L. Reiniger, N. Kypourgos and others. The last seven years Stavros Gasparatos is composing music for theater and dance...
Stavros are a relatively unknown emo band from Norway, that recorded the album Contemporary Dictionary in 2002, and released it in 2010. it can be downloaded from that's punk, and purchased from their label How Is Annie's website. .