Track 8 | ja

This is not an artist, but appears here due to incorrectly tagged tracks for a Various Artists disc with this name. If this non-artist appears in your charts, do and yourself a favor. Fix your tags by putting the actual artist name in the artist field. .
Motion City Soundtrack(モーション・シティ・サウンドトラック)は99年にアメリカのミネソタ州ミネアポリスで結成されたエモ・コアバンド。Joshua Cain(ジョシュア・ケイン:G,)、Jesse Johnson(ジェシィ・ジョンソン:Key,Moog)、Justin Pierre(ジャスティン・ピエール:Vo,G)、Matt Taylor(マット・テイラー:B)、Tony Thaxton(トニー・サクストン:D)の5人組。EP1枚とスプリット盤を1枚リリースした後、03年にメロ・コアの総本山、Epitaph Recordsから1stアルバムをリリース。当時はエモ・コアのバンドがEpitaphと契約するのは珍しいことだった。 3rdアルバムはビルボード・インディ・チャートで初登場1位を獲得するなど今、最も旬なエモ・コアバンドとして注目されている。 .
Mario Strack is a composer, performer and producer of "lyrical electro rock" - cross genre, cross era. Born 4. 23. 1956 in Graz (Austria) Autodidact since he left school in the early 70's, he became a member in several rockbands and toured with them playing the keyboards. During the 80's he did lots of work as a composer and music producer for small indie-labels and major companies with his own Band "Luna Set" as well as with various other artists. With the beginning of the 90's he decided to go back to perfect independence. Together with his wife, the painter...
TETRACK is one of those groups that you hear about, and after you feel their music, you wish you knew more about. "When you know what why to where but haven't quite worn your wear, If only he could know, if only he could know. Readily carting faster, if i be mourned i will falter my sign in finding family transitorial master station five-eight." ~Dave Harvey TETRACK, a band entranced in a moment, suspended in stasis by a funk so equatorial and laid-back it actively pulls them backwards in time. Propelled forwards by the strength of a young and vital...
Stars of Track and Field is a three-piece indie pop band from Portland, Oregon, currently on Wind-Up Records. Their name is in reference to the Belle and Sebastian song of the same name. The band's latest album, titled A Time For Lions, was released September 1, 2009. When Stars of Track and Field found themselves without a bassist a couple of years ago, the Portland, Oregon-based band didn't follow the typical steps to find a replacement. No want-ads were placed; no attempts were made to recruit from other bands and nobody within the group switched instruments. Instead, the band opted...
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Track 8-Dutch Disco 2013[Digital Promo]
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Night Lion Mix #3 [Track 8]
Track 8 Shake It (2012)
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