Lantern | ja

Magic Lantern is a psychedelic / space rock band from Long Beach, California, USA who play droney, long-form music in the vein of bands like Amon Düül II, Hawkwind, and Loop. They have self-released the cassette, titled "At the Mountains of Madness", their other releases are highly limited and mostly sold out. In 2008 they released the highly acclaimed "High Beams" on LP. In 2010 the band released the LP/CD "Platoon" and the 7" "Showstopper/Cypress", both on Not Not Fun. The tracks for the album and single were recorded in 2009, and the band broke up shortly afterwards. .
煩雑な生活の諸々が波のように押し寄せるぼくらの毎日。それらは砕け散り、日々の泡となってぼくらを包む。そんな風景のなかを漂うランタンパレードの調べ。 2004年のアルバム・デビュー以来、硬い石に言葉を刻み込むようにして、黙々と音を紡ぎ続けて来たランタン・パレードこと清水民尋。浮ついたところのない彼の硬派なメロウネスに、ぼくは惚れている。優しくこぼれ落ちるピアノの音は、だれかの涙のように切実だ。ハードコア・パンク出身の彼のそんな風情にシンパシーを持ってくれるひとたちが、全国にゆっくりと増えて来ている。そのことがすごく嬉しい。 ランタンパレードの音楽。そこには、いつものぼくたちの気持ちが、想像もつかない色を付けられて、いっぱい転がっている。都市の新しい音楽。スウィート・ソウル・ミュージック。 .
There are at least three bands called The Lanterns 1) The Lanterns were a Scottish Indie band, playing between 1997 and 1999. Signed to Columbia in 1997, they comprised songwriter/musician Jim Sutherland and vocalists Sylvia and Gina Rae. Their 1998 single High Rise Town entered the UK Top40 and was followed up by the critically acclaimed album Luminate yer Heid. The Lanterns featured on the cover of style magazine Dazed and Confused and were the subject of a Channel4 documentary in 1999. 2) The Lanterns are an indie/pop-punk band based out of Portsmouth, NH, and feature former members of the...
The new EP of The House of the Last Lanten "Web of Feelings". Download NOW! The band was founded in May 2008, basing upon the material of vocalist and guitarist Alexander "Murdoc", who was eager to establish his own musical project for a certain period of time. July "Gloomy", girlfriend of Alex, becomes the bass guitarist of the project. The name for the band "The House of The Last Lantern" was picked up in a novel "Golem" by G.Meyrink, because the couple was seriously inspired by this author. They decided to choose classic gothic rock (e.g. "Rosetta Stone"...
見つかりました 168 曲, デュレーション: 11:23:36
Atari's Lantern
Dark Lantern
Dream Lantern (Acoustic guitar)
Blue Lantern
Lantern Room
Moonlight Lantern
Во мне
Atari's Lantern
Wonderful Times
Steam Powered Heart
Rub The Lantern
How You Do It Like That
Молодость (TEM LANTAN PREW remix)
скандал {TEM LANTAN remix}
Dark Lantern
Цепи х Mask off (TEM LANTAN Mashup)
Can I (TEM LANTAN remix)
Triforce (feat. Ley O'lantern & Hydrojenik)
Atari's Lantern
Lantern Room
Deathshead Hawkmoth
‌the nursery lantern - 9dd6bemw5alm
Niggaz Till The End
You Know What It Is
Revolving Lantern
Nightmare Lantern
All I Need
This Game Is Over