Dino Sabatini | ja

The Last Dinosaur are two friends (Jamie Cameron and Luke Hayden), from around Cambridge (England), which expands to a band when they play live. "Hooray! for Happiness", their debut album, was released in February 2010 (digital) and April 2010 (physical). On September 2010, 'Grow', surface online as an advance of their sophomore album "The Nothing". It was announced on December 2016 that the long-player would be released via Naim Records in July 2017. 'Atoms', the second track off the album, was launched on April. subscribe | web | spotify | like | follow .
Show Me a Dinosaur is a Russian instrumental band from Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation that formed in 2011. Their music is a blend of post-rock and post-metal with elements of ambient and shoegaze. http://www.facebook.com/showmeadinosaur .
見つかりました 181 曲, デュレーション: 16:15:38
Smoke Machine
Hypnaughtic 006
The Unexpected
It's For You
White Witch
Shaman's Path
Modulation B
Shaman's Paths live / Prologue Special /
Trance State
Modulation A
Shaman's Paths (Mixed)
Follow Me
Soul Capture
El Resplandor de los Ciervos
SNTWN Podcast #038
Smoke Machine Podcast 075 Dino Sabatini
Smoke Machine Podcast 075 11.02.2013
Ovid (Original Mix)
Rama y Cuerno (Original Mix)
Parallel Perception
El Árbol de la Vida
White Witch
Shaman's Paths live
Erratic Podcast 163 | Dino Sabatini
The Wipe (Dino Sabatini Version)
Soul Capture
erratic podcast 163
Ovid (2010)