Gilles de Rais | ja

ラテンとジャズの融合を実践したビ・バップの革命児 (1917~1993)  17年サウスカロライナ州生まれ。14歳でトロンボーンを始めるが、トランペットに転向。フィラデルフィアに移住後、地元バンドで演奏しはじめ、ロイ・エルドリッジ(tp)の影響を受ける。37年にテディ・ヒル楽団へ参加するが、同僚と衝突。39年にキャブ・キャロウェイ楽団に参加。リーダーに怪我を負わせ、こちらも退団。40年頃からハーレムのクラブでジャム・セッションに参加。ケニー・クラーク(ds)、セロニアス・モンク(p)らとビ・バップを確立。42年、アール・ハインズ楽団でチャーリー・パーカー(as)と出会い、頻繁に共演を重ねる。46年以降、断続的にビッグ・バンドを結成しアフロ・キューバン音楽の大衆化に貢献。歌手のジミー・ブライソンは実娘。93年没。 Dr.NAKAJIMA著 .
Raisa (born Raisa Andriana, 6 June 1990 in Jakarta, Indonesia), is an Indonesian recording artist. She came to prominence with the song "Serba Salah". Before becoming a solo singer, Raisa was the vocalist of the band formed by Kevin Aprilio called Andante. Raisa's singing talents had been seen since her earlier age. When she was 3, little Raisa often pretended to be a singer on stage. She was the vocalist of Andante, a band founded by Kevin Aprilio. Andante was the earlier version of the band Vierra which is founded in 2008. There were five members of the band: Raisa...
There are at least three artists who have used this name: 1) A Japanese visual kei band active from 1989 to 1995. 2) GILLES DE RAIS​ was also a Japanese darkwave / minimal synth / goth duo from early 80's. They have released a 7" self-titled EP and did a split flexi alongside with Phaidia. Members Mar (vocals, synthesizers) and S (guitars, voice) would later form cult act Pale Cocoon. Please, use this alternative page to scrobbleGILLES DE RAIS​ 2) A short-lived German underground black metal band with members of Herodez. Released one demo "Tiffauges" in 1996. .
1.Melodic Straight Edge on REACT! Records, a la 7 Seconds, Dag Nasty, etc. 2.Praise (formed in 1991 in London, England) were a new-age music group, comprising Geoff MacCormack, Simon Goldenberg and Miriam Stockley as lead vocalist. Praise released one self-titled album in 1991, reaching number 2 in the UK album charts. Praise mixes European dance beats with a variety of traditional world samples and styles, in a manner very similar to that of its contemporary peers such as Enigma. The tracks are "run together", linked with elements of a soundscape mixed in Qsound virtual surround sound. MacCormack and Goldenberg...
見つかりました 120 曲, デュレーション: 10:16:31
Gilles de Rais
Gilles De Rais
Gilles de Rais (Le bon sire)
Gilles de Rais
Gilles de Rais
Gilles de rais
Gilles De Rais
Gilles de Rais ("Le bon sire")
Aux portes de la basilique de Gilles de Rais
Gilles De Rais (Original Mix)
The Black Knight (Gilles De Rais)
Gilles De Rais, Lord Of Rais
Gilles De Rais
Moonlight Lovers
Gilles de Rais
everlasting rain
Black List
吸血鬼 [Vampire]
Gilles de Rais
Pleasure Song
Animal Beat
Gilles de Rais
Morbid Glory (Gilles De Rais 1404-1440)
Ultimate Orgasm
Gilles De Rais
Gilles de Rais
Depressive Moon