The Modern Day Saint | ja

Modern Talking was a German pop music duo consisting of composer/producer/background singer Dieter Bohlen and singer Thomas Anders founded in Berlin in early 1983. It was the single most successful pop group in Germany (by sales). First formed at the end of 1984 (Anders was 21), they unexpectedly became immensely popular with their standalone disco hit "You're My Heart, You're My Soul", which was then followed by "You Can Win If You Want" and "Cheri, Cheri Lady". They released two albums a year from 1985 to 1987 while also promoting their singles on television all over Europe. After splitting up...
Utah Saints are a British dance band from Leeds in West Yorkshire. The music is produced by Jez Willis and Tim Garbutt, who are joined on-stage by other musicians whenever the band plays live. Utah Saints were one of the early pioneers of bringing sampling technology into mainstream dance and pop music, and have also gained a certain notoriety for the long gap between releases - their follow-up, Two, came seven years after their debut. They were described as the first true stadium house band (by Bill Drummond), though their music is difficult to place into one particular genre and...
Saint Pepsi is a music project from United States created by Ryan DeRobertis, an electronic music producer from Long Island who makes vaporwave music, lo-fi beats and house. In 2015 he changed the project's name to Skylar Spence. .
室内楽とジャズを融合させた稀代の功労者たち  クラシックに傾倒するジョン・ルイス(p)の趣向を、モダン・ジャズ界の名手たちとグループ・サウンドに昇華した名門コンボ。51年、ディジー・ガレスピー(tp)のビッグ・バンドの構成員だったルイス、ミルト・ジャクソン(vib),パーシー・ヒース(b)、ケニー・クラーク(ds)の4人で活動を開始。翌年にレギュラー化し、対位法を採り入れた室内楽曲にファンキー・ジャズの即興性を融合する画期的実験を進める。55年からクラークがコニー・ケイ(ds)に代わり、メトロノーム誌の人気コンボのトップに躍り出た。楽理と演奏力を一体化させた名作を連発。ジャズの領域を脱し映画音楽や組曲にも挑戦した。74年11月のニューヨークでのコンサートで、実質的解散となった。 Dr.NAKAJIMA著 .
Saint Etienne are an indie dance/indie pop trio which formed in Croydon, England in 1990. The band was founded by journalist Bob Stanley (born December 25, 1964) and Pete Wiggs (born May 15, 1966) in Croydon, UK, January 1990. After recording 2 singles with guest singers, Sarah Cracknell (born April 12, 1967, Chelmsford, Essex) joined as a full member. The band is named after a French football team. Saint Etienne are one of the bands who defined the early 90s indie dance genre, fusing the production values of the dance-pop that emerged in the wake of the Second Summer of...
見つかりました 5 曲, デュレーション: 22:23
Modern Day Saint
Modern Day Saint
Modern Day Saint
Modern Day Saint