Lucas Grabeel | ja

No dia 27 de junho de 1968, em São Gonçalo, no Rio de Janeiro, nascia um dos grandes expoentes da música evangélica brasileira da atualidade, Kleber Lucas. O que Maria Madalena Lucas e Antônio Costa sequer sonhavam era que o seu filho fosse desenvolver um ministério tão importante e abençoador. Aos 17 anos, Kleber entrou na Igreja Nova Vida de Niterói, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, e teve sua vida transformada. Foi após o seu encontro com Cristo, com uma entrega total e apaixonada, que o cantor veio a se interessar pela música. “Descobri uma paixão pela música que ainda...
Ted Lucas was a phenomenal musician who performed solo and in a number of bands. He appeared in-concert and was also a studio musician. He played numerous clubs, concerts, and colleges. Ted's musical career began in Michigan in the early 1960's, and continued until his death in 1992. He played primarily in the Midwest, but also performed in San Francisco, Manhattan, Windsor and Toronto Canada. While Ted is best classified as a rock musician, he originally majored in classical guitar at Wayne State University. He was a student of Blues, Country, Jazz, Middle Far Eastern, and contemporary music. His inspirations...
Lucas Santtana is a Brazilian artist who was born in Bahia. In 2000, he released "Eletro Ben Dodô", at the beginning of his solo carreer. After that, in 2003, he launched the album "Parada de Lucas", and in 2006 "3 sessions in a green house". All three albums were well received by international critics. His music is available for playing, downloading, and remixing from DIGINOIS, a website that Lucas manages himself. His greatest album, though, was released in 2009. Called "Sem Nostalgia", the album features samples and remixes of most of the greatest guitar players in Brazil, but also recreates...
Ex Karo Singer released 3 AOR albums : Canada {1992} 2000! {1994} News {1996} .