Luca Nasciuti | ja

LUCA AGNELLI is a well known DJ in Italy. Releases: Booster (12") My Best Friend 2007 Remixes: Sweet Child O' Mine (12") Sweet Child O' Mine (L... Emotiva 2005 Sessions 13 (2xCD) The Whistler (Claude V... Ministry Of Sound 2007 The Whistler (Go Deeva Remixes) (12") The Whistler (Luca Agn... Go Deeva 2007 The Whistler (Remixes) (12") The Whistler (Claude V... Dirtybird 2007 Appears On: Real Love (12") Airplane! Records 2004 Respect (12") Shibusa Records 2006 .
Gianluca Grignani (born 7 April 1972 in Milan, Italy) is an Italian singer-songwriter and guitarist. His musical career took off after meeting guitarist, and producer Massimo Luca. In 1995 Grignani managed a breakthrough with the album "Destinazione Paradiso" which sold two million copies within a year and for which he was awarded the Telegatto. He is well-known in Europe for his excellent lyrics and soft rock. One of his most famous songs, "La mia storia tra le dita", was re-recorded in Spanish with a translation where poetry seems to find the perfect match, titled "Mi historia entre tus dedos", it...
The dance scene in Romania has a growing reputation as a thriving source of talented DJs and producers who are creating their own interpret at ions of the electronic music blueprint. One of the most talked about names t o emerge recently is Luca M who has an impressive series of productions to his name already as well as increasing demand for his DJ skills. 2013 looks set to be the year when Luca steps into the spotlight in a major way. Luca Madalin-Alexandru, to use his full name, has had a passion for electronic music from an early age....
1972年、イタリアのトリエステで生まれる。 父の影響でクラシック音楽に興味を持ち、ピアノとギターを学び始める。その後Manowar, Blind Guardian, Helloween, Crimson Gloryといったバンドからインスパイアされ、バンド活動を始めることとなった。 彼を中心として結成されたThundercrossは1stデモ発表後にRhapsodyと改名。 そのドラマティックで大仰な音楽性は特に日本のメタルファンの間で好評を博し、いわゆる「メロディックスピードメタル」と呼ばれるジャンルが流行するその礎となった。 紆余曲折の末、彼はバンドを脱退。現在は自身の名前を冠したLuca Turilli's Rhapsodyにおいて活動している。 BURRN!誌のインタビューにおいて、チェルノブイリの原発事故で被爆、甲状腺癌を患っていたことを明らかにした。 .