Axel Algmark | ja

There are most certainly many Axels. 1.) Latin Pop singer. From all music guide: "Born in Rafael Calzada, a small town in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Axel Fernando began playing the piano at an early age, even gaining acceptance into the national conservatory, though he initially ended up deciding he would rather concentrate on more classic scholastic training. This didn't last too long, however; at 17 he realized it was music he truly wanted to pursue, and began practicing and looking for work. Axel got a small gig as a waiter and bar piano player in a soap...
odaxelagnia在住のブレイクコア、チップチューン、アーティストである 主にサウンドクラウドやweb上のフリーアルバムで活躍している。 公式サイト: .
AXEL.K is a Japanese male vocalist best known for his guest appearances in the doujin music circle A-One. Previously known as Axl. .
The President Series began as a home-recording project in 1999. Starting with 42 (Clinton) and continuing in reverse order, all recordings are implicitly named and numbered according to past U.S. Presidents. .