William Gutierrez | ja

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William Gutierrez is a Native American flute maker, performer, and recording artist. Born in New Mexico, he currently resides in Laughlin, Nevada. His heritage is Southern Ute and Dineh. As a highly sought after performing artist, William is considered by many to be one of the premier Native American flute players in the country. His unique style and ability has earned him the respect of his Brothers, Sisters, and Elders throughout the United States, Canada and abroad. William travels extensively throughout the United States, Canada, and abroad, sharing his exceptional talent with all. His music possesses an unusual, serene, and haunting sound, which mesmerizes his audience. Both young and old are transported back to a time rich in Native American culture. William's performances include songs given and/or taught to him by his Elders, Brothers, and Sisters from Tribes throughout the United States, some of which date back hundreds of years, as well as those of his own composition. All of William's songs contain strong messages and stories, which are easily understood to those who allow them into their hearts. William currently has four solo releases and several collaboration albums. He has provided the soundtrack to several award winning videos and documentaries, some of which have recently aired on the Discovery Channel, as well as localized PBS stations. (artist's bio from homepage, www.williamgutierrez.com) .


