The Spectral Eye | ja

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The first thing to say about The Spectral Eye is that it is a one man band: for this reason, no precise date of formation can be specified. We can say, however, that the song composing process began about 10 years ago, and grew constantly in technique, means and creation of personal, fitting sounds, becoming to define a specific artistic identity. Now The Spectral Eye is 25 years old, lives in Milan, Italy and works in the information technology area. Already member of a Black Metal Band since 2000, which released its debut album last year, the eye works on both projects with great passion and satisfaction.

The "Spectral views" are an idea born from the sometimes sad, sometimes violent city atmosphere I love to describe and experience. With my songs I tell about the forgotten, the outcast, the silenced ones: their feeling, their dreams and memories, their fears and hopes. Their eyes are full of stories but no-one seems to notice: they are like ghosts, lost into the darkness and light of the city. That's why I figured out it was required the eye of a ghost to see them, and to understand them. With my work I try to tell about some of them, and let the public get to share a bit of their existence. A bit of the beautiful contrast they live in, unknown.

Songs are spread in short CDs of 15/20 minutes; each of these songs is a "spectral view", since every track tells a story, viewed through the eye of a ghost, wandering the streets. Songs often come along with pictures in addiction to lyrics, in order to communicate a stronger feeling of the situation described. The “spectral views” are gathered following a concept binding them together, the main theme of every short collection. .


