The Listening | ja

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The Listening is an American rock band originally from Washington and currently based out of Franklin, Tennesee. Touring extensively through North America and Europe from 2004-2006, the group largely disappeared over the following years until it resurfaced mid-way through 2008, announcing the release of a new EP before the end of the year; Gabriel Wilson has now become Director of Worship Arts at Lakeside Church in Folsom, CA while Josiah and Nolan remain in Tennessee. Jason now lives in Folsom, CA as well. The Listening still collaborates with each other by exchanging ideas and instrument tracks through the web. A new LP entitled "LMNOP" is being worked on with no clear due date in mind. But keep your ears to the ground for 10-10-10. Go here to follow them on twitter.

The Listening has been compared to Pink Floyd because they aren't interested in playing 3 or 4 minute songs. Although their songs sometimes have catchy riffs, hooks, and licks like mainstream songs, they often exceed 5 minutes and leave listeners in a dreamy, worshipful state.

from Wikipedia

for more info on The Listening visit their website, .


