The Bonevilles | ja

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..... a huge behemoth of a sound, unchained from the traditional structures, and allowed to wreak havoc on eyes and ears of innocent bystanders.

Andy McGibbon reduces the already ripped speakers of his vintage AC30 to paper dust with huge amounts of swimming distortion, the guitar groaning in agony as a result. This really has to be heard to be believed.

For me, "C'mon" climaxed the set, a modern Ghost Dance conjuring up the spirits of long-dead bluesmen..Elmore James, Robert Johnston and Son House, all taken by the Hellhound in return for a lasting legacy, and no doubt nodding approval at this 21st century interpretation of their vision by the the BES, still true, but pushing it a little further down the road. Andy's slide guitar slowly drags along, creating an authentic delta sludge, the vocal calling out from another age. The feet just won't keep still under this assault, where riff follows riff in huge sonic waves. Just one cover, "Baby Please Don't Go", which remarkably pales alongside the band's original material. If you're looking for something fresh and new, this probably isn't it.
However if you don't believe that the blues can live today and still stir visceral emotions, then be ready to be surprised by the power of this reading of the genre.

I really can't wait to hear them again.
Eamon P. Keynes - Fastfude

